Friday, October 31, 2008

Caravaggio Narcissus painting

Caravaggio Narcissus paintingCaravaggio Madonna di Loreto paintingAndrea Mantegna Adoration of the Magi painting
The New York Times ran a story today that says the next consumer crisis is credit cards — a sobering fact in a nation that has racked up massive amounts of credit card debt.
Unfortunately, when times get hard, many people turn to credit cards to help them make ends meet … and only dig themselves into a deeper hole.
I’ve been through this myself, buying things on credit when I had no other way to pay for them. I’m not talking about plasma TVs, but about necessities like medical bills. As a result, I dug myself deep into debt, and one of the biggest decisions of my life\ was easy. It took some hard decisions, some sacrifices, and a commitment to change my spending habits.
I highly recommend that people get out of debt and stay out of debt, especially as the economy hits difficult times. It’s not a good position to be in if you lose your job while burdened with lots of debt. Better: become debt-free, with a good emergency fund and a small budget. That’s recession-proof personal

Thursday, October 30, 2008

George Stubbs Horse Attacked by a Lion painting

George Stubbs Horse Attacked by a Lion paintingUnknown Artist Wave Rider paintingJohannes Vermeer Young Woman with a Water Jug painting
Billow of sail, flash of oars, and the Conqueror himself at the flagship's prow, sailing up the beach between the barnacled wooden breakwaters and a few inverted sculls. -- O, I've seen things in my time, always had the gift, the phantom-sight. -- The Conqueror in his pointy metal-nosed hat, passing through her front door, gliding betwixt the cakestands and antimacassared sofas, like an echo resounding faintly through that house of remembrances and yearnings; then falling silent; _as the grave_. What you smell may influence emotions in your dreams, according to a new study.
When researchers gave dreaming subjects whiffs of rose scent, the subjects reported rosier dreams. The scent of rotten eggs, on the other hand, provoked unpleasant dreams, the study found.
-- Once as a girl on Battle Hill, she was fond of recounting, always in the same time--polished words, -- once as a solitary child, I found myself, quite suddenly and with no sense of strangeness, in the middle of a war. Longbows, maces, pikes. The flaxen-Saxon boys, cut down in their sweet youth. Harold Arroweye and William with his mouth full of sand. Yes, always the gift, the phantom-sight. -- The story of the day on which the child Rosa had seen

Jean Francois Millet Spring painting

Jean Francois Millet Spring paintingJean Francois Millet Man with a hoe paintingHerbert James Draper The Water Nymph painting
laughs less easily. Like his opponent he is a cautious man, he walks on the balls of his feet. He remembers the big one, the slave, Bilal: how his master asked him, outside the Lat temple, to enumerate the gods. "One," he answered in that huge musical voice. Blasphemy, punishable by death. They stretched him out in the fairground with a boulder on his chest. _How many did you say?_ One, he repeated, one. A second boulder was added to the first. _city, their obsession with water makes them freakish. Ablutions, always ablutions, the legs up to the knees, the arms down to the elbows, the head down to the neck. Dry-torsoed, wet-limbed and damp-headed, what eccentrics they look! Splish, splosh, washing and praying. On their knees, pushing arms, legs, heads back into the ubiquitous sand, and then beginning again the cycle of water

Edward Hopper Hotel Lobby painting

Edward Hopper Hotel Lobby paintingEdward Hopper Early Sunday Morning paintingLeroy Neiman Ryder Cup painting
until the blood has been avenged by blood; whereupon it is customary to compose a poem of celebration, but few revengers are gifted in rhyme. Many poets make a living by writingat frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and stop it from going to sleep." And if rivers of blood flow from the cuts his verses inflict, then they will nourish him. He is the satirist, Baal.
A curtained litter passes by; some fine lady of the city, out to see the fair, borne on the shoulders of eight Anatolian slaves. Abu Simbel takes the young Baal by the elbow, under the pretext assassination songs, and there is general agreement that the finest of these blood--praising versifiers is the precocious polemicist, Baal. Whose professional pride prevents him from being bruised, now, by the Grandee's little taunt. "That is a cultural matter," he replies. Abu Simbel sinks deeper still into silkiness. "Maybe so," he whispers at the gates of the House of the

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pierre Auguste Renoir At the Concert painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir At the Concert paintingPierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath paintingPierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888 painting
Sand gave way to snow. Europe in winter, beneath its white, transforming carpet, its ghost-white shining up through the night. The Alps, France, the coastline of England, white cliffs rising to whitened meadowlands. Mr. Saladin Chamcha jammed on an anticipatory bowler hat. The world had rediscovered Flight A 1-420, the Boeing 747 _Bostan_. Radar tracked it; radio messages crackled. _Do you want permission to land?_ But no permission was requested. _Bostan_ circled over England's shore like a gigantic sea-bird. Gull. Albatross. Fuel indicators dipped: towards zero.
When the fight broke out, it took all the passengers by surprise, because this time the three male hijackers didn't argue with Tavleen, there were no fierce whispers about the _fuel_ about _what the fuck you're doing_ but just a mute stand-off, they wouldn't even talk to one another, as if they had given up hope, and then it was Man Singh who cracked and went for her. The hostages

Monday, October 27, 2008

Claude Monet Water Lily Pond painting

Claude Monet Water Lily Pond paintingClaude Monet The Water Lily Pond paintingFrancisco de Goya Nude Maja painting
evidence, advising the avoidance of intimate ties.
2. Embrace society
Society is accepted within Confucianism and the encourages its followers to engage in it. Looking at the research, this is also good advice. People who are members of clubs, churches and other organisations are happier, people who have a job are happier, and so on. The evidence shows that this is also true at a societal level. Countries in which people have the densest networks of friends are also those in which people are the happiest.
In comparison, ancient Taoism says retreat to nature and Buddhism says withdraw completely from society - both these points of view are suspect if Happiness is your goal.
3. Be successful
Confucianism recommends a devotion to your occupation. The wealth earned from working is also seen in a light within Confucianism. Generally speaking people with more money and higher status are happier (but bear in mind that more money doesn't always equal more Happiness). In contrast both ancient Taoism and

Unknown Artist David Winston Solitude painting

Unknown Artist David Winston Solitude paintingJohn William Waterhouse Crystal Ball paintingLeonardo da Vinci Lady With An Ermine painting
of Apollo he spurted blood all over his clothes from a little bladder concealed in his mouth. Caligula sent for him and kissed him on both cheeks. Cassius and The Tiger escorted him to his dressing-room as if to protect him from his admirers. Then they went out by the stage-door. The captains followed during the confusion of the largesse-throwing. Asprenas said to Caligula: "That was marvellous. Now what about a plunge in the bath and a little light luncheon?"
"No,” said Caligula. I want to see those girl acrobats. They're said to be pretty good. I think I'll sit the show out. It's the last day." He was in an extremely affable mood.
So Vinicius rose. He was going to tell Cassius, The Tiger, and the rest, not to wait. Caligula pulled at his cloak. "My dear fellow, don't run away. You must see-those girls. One does a dance called the fish-dance which makes you feel as if you were ten fathoms under water."
Vinicius sat down and saw

Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam painting

Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam paintingThomas Kinkade The Rose Garden paintingCaravaggio Amor Vincit Omnia painting
The small steps in Kaizen don’t set off fight or flight, but rather keep us in the thinking brain, where we have access to our creativity and playfulness.will seem ridiculously easy! Do this for a about forty days, and you’ll be running for 10 minutes. A month later, and you’ll be running for 20 minutes. By that time your running habit will be well established. But it will have happened naturally!
You can apply the same principle to establishing any exercise. Whether it’s, or swimming, or walking.
The important thing is keep to your plan. You may feel that you could easily do more than the prescribed amount of exercise, but please rein in your enthusiasm. Just do the requisite amount, and not more. This is the trick to establishing an exercise habit without stress or strain.
Exercise really is a miracle pill. This is what it can do for you:
1. Helps prevent or manage high blood pressure
Let’s take a look at how that could be applied to physical exercise. I’ll take running as an example. Could you run for 15 seconds? Most people can. With the of Kaizen, you could say that if can run for 15 seconds, you can learn to run for a minute - and even for an hour. How?
Follow this simple running plan. Add 15 seconds each day.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rene Magritte The Ignorant Fairy painting

Rene Magritte The Ignorant Fairy paintingRene Magritte The Human Condition paintingRene Magritte The Great War painting
kept up the tradition of mild punishments and of discipline based on love rather than on fear. He was popular with the regiments in the Lower Province too, commanded by his father-in-law Apronius-for Gaetulicus had married a sister of that Apronia whom my brother-in-law PIautius was supposed to have thrown out of the window. At the fall of Sejanus he would have been put to death by Tiberius because he had promised his daughter in marriage to Sejanus's son, but he escaped by writing the Emperor a bold letter. He said that so long as he was allowed to retain his command his allegiance could be counted on, and so could that of the troops. Tiberius wisely let him alone. But Caligula envied him his popularity and almost as soon as he arrived had him arrested.
Caligula had not invited me on this expedition, so I missed what followed and cannot write about it in detail. All I know is that

William Merritt Chase Idle Hours painting

William Merritt Chase Idle Hours paintingWilliam Merritt Chase Reflections paintingJulius LeBlanc Stewart The Letter painting
been a much misunderstood man and that nobody must speak a word against him. "In my capacity as Emperor I have the right to criticize him if I please, but you have no right. In fact, you are guilty of treason. The other day a senator said in a speech that my brothers Nero and Drusus were murdered by Tiberius after having been imprisoned on false charges. What an amazing thing to say!" Then he produced the records which he had which Tiberius laid before you (in all good faith) was false, then you are the murderers, not he; and it is only since he has been dead that you have dared to blame your cruelty and treachery on him. Or if you thought at the time that the evidence was true, then he was no murderer and you are treasonably pretended to bum, and read lengthy extracts. He showed that the Senate had not questioned the evidence collected against his brothers by Tiberius, but had unanimously voted for them to be handed over to him for punishment. Some had even volunteered testimony against them. Caligula said: "If you knew that the evidence

John William Waterhouse Destiny 1900 painting

John William Waterhouse Destiny 1900 paintingJohn William Waterhouse The Siren paintingJohn William Waterhouse The Lady Clare painting
Tiberius. "He stings like a dead wasp," someone shouted. Crowds gathered at the street corners for solemn commination-services under the ward-masters, beseeching Mother Earth and the Judges of the Dead to grant the corpse and the ghost of that monster no rest or peace until the day of universal dissolution. Tiberius's body was brought to Rome under a strong escort of Guards. Caligula walked in the procession as a mourner and the. whole countryside came flocking to meet him, not in mourning for Tiberius but in holiday clothes, weeping with gratitude that Heaven had preserved a son of Germanicus to rule over them. Old country women cried out, "O our sweet darling, Caligula! Our chicken! Our baby! Our star!" A few miles from Rome he rode ahead to make preparations for the solemn entry of the corpse into the City. But when he had passed, a big crowd gathered and barricaded the Appian Road with planks and blocks of building stone. When the outriders of the escort appeared there was booing and groaning and cries of "Into the Tiber with Tiberius!"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Eduard Manet Spring painting

Eduard Manet Spring paintingEdward Hopper Carolina Morning paintingEdward Hopper New York New Haven and Hartford painting
gradually increasing severity, and the smile slowly left Sejanus's face. The senators who had been cheering him grew silent and perplexed, and one or two who were sitting near him made some excuse and walked across to the other side of the House. The letter ended by saying that Sejanus had been guilty of grave irregularities, that two of his friends, his uncle Junius Blassus who had triumphed over Tacfarinas, and another, should, in his opinion, be punished and that Sejanus himself should be arrested. The Consul, who had been warned by Macro the night before what Tiberius wanted him to do, then called out, "Sejanus, come here!" Sejanus could not believe his ears. He was waiting for the end of the letter and his appointment to the Protectorship. The Consul had to call him twice before he understood. He said: "Me? You mean me?"
As soon as his enemies realized that Sejanus had at last fallen they began loudly booing and hissing him; and his friends and relatives, anxious for their own safety, joined in. He suddenly found himself without

George Frederick Watts Endymion painting

George Frederick Watts Endymion paintingGeorge Frederick Watts Creation paintingUnknown Artist Venice Grand Canal painting
another shriek, a distant thud, then hurried footsteps across the corridor. Somebody was in my room again. The door was softly closed and barred. I recognized Urgulanilla's panting breath. I heard her clothes being taken off and laid on a chair, and soon she was lying beside me. I pretended to be asleep. She groped for my throat in the dark. I said, as if half-waking: "Don't do that, darling. It tickles. And I've got to go to Rome to-morrow to buy some cosmetics for you." Then in a more wakeful voice: "O Urgula nilla! Is that you? What's all that noise? What's the time? Have we been asleep long?"
She said, "I don't know. I must have been asleep about three hours. It's just before dawn. It sounds as though something dreadful has happened. Let's go and see."
So we got up and put on our clothes in a hurry and unlocked

Unknown Artist Ford Smith Depth of Meaning painting

Unknown Artist Ford Smith Depth of Meaning paintingGeorge Frederick Watts The Spirit of Christianity paintingGeorge Frederick Watts The Recording Angel painting
I heard Plautius go to bed after a time. "O Heavens," I thought. "He'll be asleep in a few minutes and with two doors between us he won't hear my cries when Urgulanilla throttles me." Urgulanilla stopped reading and I had no muttering and crackling of paper to help me fight against ray sleepiness. I felt myself falling asleep. I was asleep. I knew that I was asleep and I simply must wake up. I struggled frantically to be awake. At last I was awake. There was a thud and a rustle of paper. The book had blown off the table on to the floor. The lamp had gone out; I was aware of a strong draught in the room. The door must be open. I listened attentively for about three minutes. Urgulanilla was certainly not in the room.
As I was trying to make up my mind what to do I heard the most dreadful shriek ring out-from quite close it seemed. A woman screamed, "Spare me! Spare me! This is Numantina's doing! O! O!" Then came the bump of a heavy metal object falling, then the crash of splintering glass

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

James Jacques Joseph Tissot Too Early painting

James Jacques Joseph Tissot Too Early paintingHenri Rousseau Woman Walking in an Exotic Forest paintingHenri Rousseau war painting
might well have been a sleeping draught or aphrodisiac. His mother Livia had a high opinion of Plancina's character and wished the Senate to give her the benefit of the doubt if the evidence of guilt was not conclusive; for the ghost of her beloved grandson had appeared to her in a dream and begged her not to allow the innocent to suffer for the crimes of a husband or father.
So PIancina was acquitted, and of Piso's two sons, one was allowed to inherit his father's estate and the other, who had taken part in the fighting in Cilicia, was merely banished for a few years. A senator proposed that public thanks be paid to the dead hero's family-to Tiberius, Livia, my mother Antonia, Agrippina and Castor-for having avenged his death. This motion was just about to be voted upon when a friend of mine, an ex-Consul who had

Guido Reni The Archangel Michael painting

Guido Reni The Archangel Michael paintingFrancois Boucher The Rape of Europa paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam painting
also heard certain complaints but they appeared to be unfounded and malicious; he had confidence in Piso as a capable and just Governor. Germanicus did not suspect Tiberius of dishonesty and was confirmed in the opinion he already had of him as simple-minded and easily imposed upon. He regretted having written for permission to do what he should have done at once on his own responsibility. He now heard another serious charge against Piso, namely, that he was plotting with Vonones, the deposed king of Armenia, who was in refuge in Syria, to restore him to his throne. Vonones was immensely wealthy, having fled to Syria with most of the contents of the Armenian treasury, so Piso 'hoped to do well out of the business. Germanicus went at once to Armenia, called a conference of nobles and, with his own hands, but in Tiberius's name, put the diadem on the head of the man they had chosen for king. He then ordered Piso to visit Armenia at the head of two regiments to pay his neighbourly respects to the new monarch; or, if he was held by more important , to send his son. Piso neither sent his son

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

John William Godward Dolce far niente painting

John William Godward Dolce far niente paintingJohn William Waterhouse Miranda - The Tempest paintingJohn William Waterhouse Gather ye rosebuds while ye may painting
You might not have the Coke formula in the back of an old drawer but that doesn’t mean you won’t have something in there you could put to great use again. Take some time to reflect on your past successes and bring something forward from your past. Michael Jordan gave up on the baseball after one failed season and rejoined the NBA.Just thought I’d give all of you a nice list of things to think about. This isn’t an in-depth post, but more of a thought for the day — is there someone you’d like to make happy today?
Making others happy is one of the best ways to have a great day yourself. It can brighten the world around you.
This list is just to spark some ideas, and please note that not every item on this list is appropriate for every person in your life. I trust you to figure out which actions go with which people.
Make someone happy today!
1. Smile. 2. Help them carry something. 3. Send a thank-you email. 4. Call just to see how they’re doing.

Titian Bacchus and Ariadne painting

Titian Bacchus and Ariadne paintingLorenzo Lotto St Catherine of Alexandria paintingTheodore Chasseriau Apollo and Daphne painting
be like to be on the air: what he would say, how to work the controls, his on air persona. He continued to believe in his dream, and had the patience, determination and positive attitude to remain at the station as an errand boy, knowing his opportunity would come. He hung out with the other DJs, absorbed their knowledge and learned everything he could about the controls and how they worked on the air.
One day a DJ got too drunk to continue. Any other person in his situation, working as an errand boy at the station, likely would have gone into the control room, perhaps announced the station would be off air for a little while, and continued working as an errand boy at the station – but not Les Brown. Les was prepared, knew his lines, and hungry to be on air. He grabbed his opportunity, and from the second he got his hands on the microphone knew what he was going to say and delivered. He kept a positive attitude in the face of adversity, and was able to make the most out of his opportunity because he was patient and ensured he would be in the right place at the right time. He wowed his station manager, family

Monday, October 20, 2008

William Bouguereau Love Takes Flight painting

William Bouguereau Love Takes Flight painting
Unknown Artist David Winston Solitude painting
found detachments of various neighbouring tribes posted to dispute his passage through the forest; but he advanced in skirmishing order and was pressing the enemy back well when there -was a sudden alarm from the Twentieth Regiment, which was acting as rear-guard, and Gennanicus found that a huge force of Germans under the personal command of Hermann was upon him. Fortunately the trees at this point were not dense and allowed room for manoeuvre. Germanicus rode back to the position of most danger and cried out, "Break their line. Twentieth, and everything will be forgiven and
John William Waterhouse Crystal Ball painting
forgotten." The Twentieth fought like madmen and threw the Germans back with huge slaughter, pursuing them far into the open country at the back of the wood. Gennanicus caught sight of Hermann and challenged him to combat, but Hermann's men were running away: it would have been death for him to have accepted the challenge. He galloped off. Germanicus was as unlucky as our rather had been in his pursuit of enemy chieftains; but he won his victories in the same style, and the name "Gennanicus" which he had inherited he bore now in his own right. He marched the exultant army back to safety in their camps across the Rhine.

Jean-Leon Gerome paintings

Jean-Leon Gerome paintings
Lorenzo Lotto paintings
and point helplessly at the chair. If I ever saw Gennanicus annoyed with me it was then. It upset me very much to see him annoyed and sobered me instantly. But I had lost all self-confidence and began to stammer so badly that the reading came to a dismal end. Gennanicus did his best by moving a vote of thanks
Louis Aston Knight paintings
my mother and myself as hosts. Then he looked round for a seat and saw Augustus's, but it seemed rather too narrow for him so he took possession of Livia's. He put his cushion on it, gathered his gown about his knees and sat down with a grunt. And of course the chair, which was an ancient one from Egypt, part recent historical work and invited a number of prominent literary people to attend it. The book I had chosen to read was one at which I had worked very hard, and one which should have been very interesting to my audience-an account of the formulas used during ritual washing by the Etruscan priests, with

Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovsky paintings

Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovsky paintings
Il'ya Repin paintings
was known to be badly supplied with provisions. Cassius who got wind of Hermann's plans, decided to get away while there was still time. One stormy night he slipped out with the whole garrison, and managed to get past the first two enemy outposts before the crying of some of the children who were with him gave the alarm. At the third outpost there was hand-to-hand fighting and if the Germans had not been so anxious to get into the town to plunder it Cassius's party would have had no chance of survival. But he got clear somehow and half an hour later told his trumpeters to sound the "advance at the double" to make the Germans believe that a relief force was coming up; so there was no pursuit. The troops at the nearest bridge heard the distant sound of Roman trumpets, for the wind was blowing from the east, and guessing what was happening sent out a detachment to escort the garrison back to safety. Cassius two days later successfully held the bridge against a mass-attack of Segimerus's men; after which Tiberius's vanguard came up and the situation was saved.
The close of the year was marked by the banishment of Julilla on the charge of promiscuous adultery-first like her mother Julia-to Tremerus, a small island off the coast of Apulia. The real reason for her banishment
Igor V.Babailov paintings

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thomas Gainsborough Mr and Mrs Andrews painting

Thomas Gainsborough Mr and Mrs Andrews paintingSandro Botticelli Madonna and Child paintingSandro Botticelli La Primavera painting
examined she excused herself from attending and a magistrate was sent to take her deposition down in writing instead. She was a dreadful old woman with a cleft chin and hair kept black with lamp-soot (the grey showing plainly at the roots), and she lived to a great age. Her son, Silvanus, had recently been Consul and was one of those whom Emilius approached at the time of his plot. Silvanus went straight to Urgulania and told her about Emilius's intentions. She passed the news on to Livia and Livia promised to reward them for this valuable Augustus's nearest heir-would be the next Emperor: so this marriage was even more honourable than it seemed. I had never seen Urgulanilla. Nobody had. We knew that she lived with an aunt at Herculaneum, a town on the slopes of Vesuvius, where old Urgulania had property, but she never came to Rome even on a visit. We information by marrying Silvanus's daughter Urgulanffla to me and so allying them with the Imperial family. Urgulania was in Livia's confidence and was pretty sure that my uncle Tiberius-not Postumus, though he was

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema Courtship the Proposal painting

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema Courtship the Proposal paintingSir Lawrence Alma-Tadema A Favorite Custom paintingGarmash Sleeping Beauty painting
curable, simply because they can’t get Medicine. Again, from “Every year, nearly 10 million children die before their fifth birthday - that’s one every three seconds - nearly all of them from preventable or treatable diseases like diarrhea, pneumonia and measles.” * Access to education is also very limited, and therefore they have very little opportunity to improve themselves. Who can go to school when you’re , HIV/AIDS killed more than 2 million people, tuberculosis killed 1.7 million and at least one million people died of malaria.The Causes of Third World Poverty, BrieflyThere are many, many causes of Third World poverty, and it would take several books to explore each of them. But I’ll mention a few briefly, so that we can see how we’re responsible: * Agricultural conditions: Many poor nations don’t have a lot of arable land due to many factorsstarving, when you’re dying of diseases, when you have no shelter or clothing? About 72 million children have no access to education. * health of mothers: “Every year, over half a million mothers die from complications during child birth, and tens of millions more suffer from Pregnancy related illnesses and injuries.” * Combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria: Although HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria are entirely preventable and treatable, they are three of the world’s most devastating diseases: in 2007

Rene Magritte The Son of Man painting

Rene Magritte The Son of Man paintingRene Magritte The Dangerous Liaison paintingRene Magritte Homesickness painting
Researchers found several key factors that predicted a child's risk of future victimization — namely, physically aggressive behavior in the child, harsh parenting methods (like "overly punitive" responses to kids' bad behavior) and low socio-economic status. The best predictor, the study concluded, was early childhood physical aggression. "If a child is aggressive at 2 years of age, he's more likely to be in the higher-increasing trajectory," Boivin said. "If, in addition, the mother is hostile and reactive, the prediction risk increases." Adding the third element, low socio-economic status, increases that likelihood even further."Aggression becomes less and less of a normative way to get things done," he says. But children on the high-risk path appear unable to develop those social skills; their aggression ends up turning on them. "As children get older, in grade school, they slowly shift their aggression and tend to withdraw into shyness," Boivin said.Boivin's study was careful to distinguish aggression from hyperactivity in children. While hyperactivity also often
"At 30 months, there is a lot of physical aggression among kids," Boivin notes, but most children manage to adjust socially and eventually develop the verbal skills needed to negotiate peacefully within a group.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fabian Perez Flamenco painting

Fabian Perez Flamenco paintingJohannes Vermeer View Of Delft paintingJohannes Vermeer The Kitchen Maid painting
communicatively is emotion, so for them the melody is the message.
'Our study showed that by nine months, babies are categorising songs as happy or sad in the same way that pre-schoolers and adults do.'
To find out whether babies were able to tell the difference between different scores, researchers designed experiments that 'take advantage of what babies say with their eyes'.
First they displayed an 'emotionally-neutral' face for the baby while music played.When the baby looked away from the face, the music stopped and the researchers queued up a new song from a playlist of five happy and five sad pieces.
For each, observers recorded how long the baby paid attention to the face. The babies that noticed a switch from happy to sad, or vice versa, stared at the face three to four seconds longer than usual because of their heightened interest.

Pablo Picasso Three Dancers painting

Pablo Picasso Three Dancers paintingPablo Picasso Seated Bather paintingPablo Picasso Mandolin and Guitar painting
year in Britain, the Royal National Institute for Deaf People warned that more than two-thirds of young people who regularly use MP3 players faced premature hearing damage.
The market for personal music devices continues to boom. In the last four years, estimated sales ranged from 184 to 246 million for all portable audio devices and from 124 to 165 million for MP3 players.
The European Union specialists add that although such listening devices are beneficial to many listeners, there are other dangers apart from hearing loss.
“Listening to music through personal music players can be beneficial when performing boring and repetitive tasks,” the report said.
“However, it may be a hindrance for complicated tasks that require thinking. music can distract the listeners and isolate them from their environment which can be very dangerous when driving or walking on busy roads.”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thomas Kinkade The Night Before Christmas painting

Thomas Kinkade The Night Before Christmas paintingThomas Kinkade The Heart of San Francisco paintingThomas Kinkade Sunset on Lamplight Lane painting
in return. I have seldom been disappointed, though when they have abused my generosity I have had no mercy on them. I have no doubt old Cato's slaves were always falling sick, with the hope of being sold to a more humaneMorocco. After a triumph celebrated by a nephew of mine, whom I shall soon be telling you about, four hundred soldiers and nearly four thousand private citizens lost their lives one way and another-five big blocks of tenements in the five thousand at this time- could be counted, and he was making sure that no one would challenge him, as he had himself jealously challenged rivals, for having pretended to a triumph on an inadequate harvest of dead championed the cause of "ancient virtue" and made it identical in the popular mind with churlishness, pedantry and harshness. I was made to read Cato the Censor's

Pierre Auguste Renoir At the Concert painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir At the Concert paintingPierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath paintingPierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888 painting
my tutor. I learned more from him in six months than I had learned from Cato in six years. Athenodoms never beat me and used the greatest patience. He used to encourage me by saying that my lameness should be a spur to my intelligence. Vulcan, the God of all clever craftsmen, was lame too. As for my stammer, Demosthenes the noblest orator of all time had been born with a stammerboys to do what he wanted; for they all took their cue from Postumus.
Cato was now required by Livia to write her out half yearly reports on histold the Lady Livia just how you feel about things?"
Cato could have bitten off his tongue with vexation and alarm. If Livia should hear what he had said, that would be the end of

Edward Hopper The Long Leg painting

Edward Hopper The Long Leg paintingEdward Hopper The Camel's Hump paintingEdward Hopper Soir Bleu painting
not mentioned several things that he would have been interested to hear-how many recruits there were in the parade, how far advanced their military training was, to what garrison town they were being sent, whether they looked glad or sorry to go, what Augustus said to them in his speech.
Three days later Athenodorus made me write out a description of a brawl between a sailor and clothes dealer which we had watched together that day as we were walking in the rag-market; and I did much better. He first applied this discipline to my writing, then to my declamations, and finally to my general conversation with him. He took endless pains with me, and gradually I grew less scatter-brained, for he never let any careless, irrelevant, or inexact phrase of mine pass without comment.
He tried to interest me in speculative philosophy, but when he saw that I had no bent that way he did not

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Michael Austin Red Dress painting

Michael Austin Red Dress paintingJennifer Garant Wine Peddler paintingJennifer Garant Chef To Go painting
do so, partly because she did not trust Livia and partly because she did not wish to appear a cause of the impending war. Finally Antony, incited by Cleopatra, sent Octavia a bill of divorce and declared war on Augustus. This was the last of the Civil Wars, a duel to the death between the only two men left on their feet-if I may use the metaphor-after an all-against-all sword-fight in the universal amphitheatre. Lepidus was still alive, to be sure, but a prisoner in all but name, and quite harmless-he had been forced to fall at Augustus's feet and beg for his life. Young Pompey, too, the only other person of importance, whose fleet had for a long time commanded the Mediterranean, had by now been defeated by Augustus, and captured and put to death by Antony. The duel between Augustus and Antony was short. Antony was totally defeated in the sea battle off Actium, in Greece.

Paul Cezanne Vase with Flowers painting

Paul Cezanne Vase with Flowers paintingPaul Cezanne The Black Clock paintingPaul Cezanne Still Life with Onions painting
impressionable and she had made a careful study of his tastes: besides which, she was by popular verdict one of the three most beautiful women of her day. She picked on Augustus as a better instrument for her ambitions with a close friend of my grandfather's. Augustus was ready to believe this without pressing for detailed evidence. He divorced than Antony-Lepidus did not count-and that he would stick at nothing to gain his ends the proscriptions had shown two years before, when two thousand knights and three hundred senators belonging to the opposing faction had been summarily put to death, by far the greatest number of these at Augustus's particular instance. When she had made sure of Augustus she urged him to put away Scribonia-a woman older than himself, whom he had married for political reasons-telling him that she had knowledge of Scribonia's adultery

Herbert James Draper Pot Pourri painting

Herbert James Draper Pot Pourri paintingHerbert James Draper Lancelot and Guinevere paintingHerbert James Draper Lament for Icarus painting
Agrippinilla-my present wife-came to hear of its publication every copy would be suppressed and my unfortunate copying-scribes would suffer for my indiscretions. They would be lucky to escape with their arms unbroken and their thumbs and index-fingers unlopped, which would be a typical indication of Agrippinilla's displeasure. How that woman loathes me!
My father's example has guided me throughout life more strongly than that of any other person whatsoever, with the exception of my brother Germanicus. And Germanicus was, all agree, my father's very image in feature, body (but for his thin legs), courage, intellect and nobility; so I readily combine them in my mind as a single character. If I could start this story fairly

Monday, October 13, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci picture of last supper painting

Leonardo da Vinci picture of last supper paintingGustav Klimt lady with fan paintingGustav Klimt two girls with an oleander painting
Finally, note the names of anyone who seems to be hailed as a leader in the field – especially if they are profiled or interviewed.
4. Find the experts.In strategies 1-3 above, you should have amassed a list of names of key experts; Google them and try to find their homepages. If they’re academics, they should have a Homepage at their university, at least; if Business leaders, look for them in the directories of the companies they work for. If you’re really lucky, they’ll have a personal site or even a blog, giving you access to all sorts of information “straight from the horse’s mouth” so to speak.
5. Ask for help.Once you’ve located your experts, email them or call them, explain your topic, and ask their advice. This won’t work in every situation, or even be appropriate, but you’d be surprised at how helpful people can be when you

Sunday, October 12, 2008

John William Waterhouse The Magic Circle painting

John William Waterhouse The Magic Circle paintingJohn William Waterhouse Lamia paintingEdgar Degas Dancers in Blue painting
white edge of the lip.
He watched the still more delicate dent beneath the lower lip.
It became strange, and restive, that it was possible for anyone to lie so still for so long; yet he knew that his father would never move again; yet this knowledge made his motionlessness no less strange.
Within him, and outside him, everything except his father was dry, light, unreal, and touched with a kind of warmth and impulse and a kind of sweetness which felt like the beating of a heart. But borne within this strange and unreal sweetness, its center yet alien in nature from all the rest, and as nothing else was actual, his father lay graven, whose noble hand he longed, in shyness, to touch.
“Now, Rufus,” his mother whispered; they knelt. He could just see over the edge of the coffin. He gazed at the perfect hand.
His mother’s arm came round him; he felt her hand on the

Friday, October 10, 2008

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps paintingJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach paintingThomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk painting
which would cover him out of sight for the duration of this world, she thought that she was firm and ready. She had refused to “try on” her veil; the mere thought of approving or disapproving it before a mirror was obscene; so now when she came to the mirror and drew it down across her face to go, she saw herself for the first time since her husband’s death. Without either desiring to see her face, or caring how it looked, she saw that it had changed; through the deep, clear veil her gray eyes watched her gray eyes watch her through the deep, clear veil. I must have fever, she thought, startled by their brightness; and turned away. It was when she came to the door, to walk through it, to leave this room and to leave this shape of existence forever, that realization poured upon and overwhelmed her through which, in retrospect, she would one day know that all that had gone before, all that she had thought she experienced and knew—true, more or less, though it all was—was nothing to

Gustav Klimt The Tree of Life painting

Gustav Klimt The Tree of Life paintingGustav Klimt Expectation (gold foil) paintingGustav Klimt Death and Life painting
surprised and exhilarated not to have to go to school, and something of this sense of privilege remained, but almost immediately he was also disappointed. He could now see vividly how they would all look up when he came into the schoolroom and how the teacher would say something nice about his father and about him, and he knew that on this day everybody would treat him well, and even look up to him, for something had happened to him today which had not happened to any other boy in school, any other boy in town. They might even give him part of their lunches.
He felt even more profoundly empty and idle than before.
He laid down his satchel on the seat of the hat rack, but he kept his hat on. She’ll spank me, he thought. Even worse, he could foresee her particular, crackling kind of anger. I won’t let her find out, he told himself. Taking great care to be silent, he let himself out the front door.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pierre Auguste Renoir Dance at Bougival I painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir Dance at Bougival I paintingThomas Kinkade The Garden of Prayer paintingThomas Kinkade Stairway to Paradise painting
she felt there was some special reason, still, why she ought to be a good girl. She felt very uneasy, but there was nothing to do but eat, so she always took care to get a good hold on her tumbler and did not take too much on her spoon, and hardly spilled at all, and when she became aware of how little she was spilling it made her feel like a big girl and yet she did not feel any less uneasy, because she knew there was something wrong. She was not as much interested in eating as she was in the way things were, and listening carefully, looking mostly at her plate, every sound she heard and the whole quietness which was so much stronger than the sounds, meant that things were not good. What it was was that he wasn’t here. Her mother wasn’t either, but she was upstairs. He wasn’t even upstairs. He was coming home last night but he didn’t come home and he wasn’t coming home now either, and her mother felt so awful she cried, and Aunt Hannah wasn’t saying anything, just making all that noise with the toast and big loud sips with the and swallowing, grrmmp

Gustav Klimt The Tree of Life painting

Gustav Klimt The Tree of Life paintingGustav Klimt Expectation (gold foil) paintingGustav Klimt Death and Life painting
Then Mary said tenderly, “How awful, pitiful, beyond words it must be, to be so terribly anxious for others, for others’ good, and not be able to do anything, even to say so. Not even to help. Poor things.
“Oh, they do need reassuring. They do need rest. I’m so grateful I could assure him. It’s so good he can rest at last. I’m so glad.” And her heart was restored from its desolation, into warmth and love and almost into wholeness.
Again they were all thoughtfully silent, and into this silence Joel spoke quietly and slowly, “I don’t—know. I just—don’t—know. Every bit of gumption I’ve got tells me it’s impossible, but if this kind of thing is so, it isn’t with gumption that you see it is. I just—don’t—know.
“If you’re right, and I’m wrong, then chances are you’re right about the whole Business , God, and the whole crew. And in that case I’m just a plain damned fool.
“But if I can’t trust my common sense—I know it’s nothing much, Poll, but it’s all I’ve got. If I can’t trust that, what in hell can I trust!
“God, you’n Hannah’d say. Far’s I’m concerned, it’s out of the question.”
“Why, Joel?”

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps paintingJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach paintingThomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk painting
face as bleached and shocking as a skull. She put an arm tightly around each of them and felt gratitude and pleasure, in the firmness and warmth of their moving bodies, and they walked three abreast (like bosom friends, it occurred to her. the three Musketeers) to the nearest chair; and she could see Andrew twist it towards her with his outstretched left hand, and between them, slowly, they let her down into it, and then she could see only her aunt’s face, leaning deep above her, very large and very close, the eyes at once intense and tearful behind their heavy lenses, the strong mouth loose and soft, the whole face terrible in love and , naked and undisciplined as she had never seen it before.
“Let Papa know and Mama,” she whispered. “I promised.”
“I will,” Hannah said, starting for the hall.
“Walter’s bringing them straight up,” Andrew said. “They know by now.” He brought another chair. “Sit down, Aunt Hannah.” She sat and took both Mary’s hands in her own, on Mary’s knees, and realized that Mary was squeezing her hands with all her

Lorenzo Lotto St Catherine of Alexandria painting

Lorenzo Lotto St Catherine of Alexandria paintingTheodore Chasseriau Apollo and Daphne paintingCaravaggio The Supper at Emmaus painting
sooner, and the time difference may be negligible. You will have a psychological boost from knowing that you will be paying less interest.
For more information, read about the Debt Avalanche, a better snowball method.10. Check your progress monthly.
If you use financial mentioned above, you’ll have a straightforward way of measuring your progress. You should see your expenses decreasing each month and your credit card balances decreasing. These monthly reports can be excellent to continue. Your habit is clear in graph form; visuals are powerful. Each month, recommit to spending only what you have.
When changing a behavioral pattern like overspending, don’t expect immediate success. Our society encourages consumerism, and breaking from that trend, like swimming against the current, is going to be difficult. We often do not see the consequences of overspending. We hear about the government

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Claude Monet Argenteuil painting

Claude Monet Argenteuil paintingGustav Klimt The Tree of Life paintingGustav Klimt Expectation (gold foil) painting
prodigious page were being silently turned, and the breath of its turning touched her heart with cold and tender awe. Her soul is beginning to come of age, she thought; and within those moments she herself became much older, much nearer her own death, and was content to be. Her heart lifted up in a kind of pride in Mary, in every sorrow she could remember, her own or that of others (and the remembrances rushed upon her); in all existence and endurance. She wanted to cry out Yes! Exactly! Yes. Yes. Begin to see. Your turn now. She wanted to hold her niece at arms’ length and to turn and admire this blossoming. She wanted to take her in her arms and groan unto God for what it meant to be alive. But chiefly she wanted to keep stillness and to hear the young woman’s voice and to watch her eyes and her round forehead while she spoke, and to accept and experience this repetition of her own younger experience, which bore her high and pierced like music.
“Isn’t that so?” Mary repeated.
“That and much more,” she said.

Pierre Auguste Renoir Sleeping Girl painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir Sleeping Girl painting
Pierre Auguste Renoir Dance at Bougival I painting
Thomas Kinkade The Garden of Prayer painting
a deep breath and let it out in a long slow sigh and clucked her tongue once. “We never know,” she murmured.
“Of course we just have to wait,” Mary said, after a long silence.
“Hyesss,” Hannah said softly, sharply inhaling the first of the word, and trailing the sibilant to a hair.
Through their deep silence, at length, they began to be aware of the stumbling crackle of the water. When Mary got up for it, it had boiled half away.
“There’s still plenty for two cups,” she said, and prepared the strainer and poured them, and put on more water. She lifted the lid of the large kettle. Its sides, below the water line, were rich beaded; from the bottom sprang a leisured spiral of bubbles so small they resembled white sand; the surface of the water slowly circled upon itself. She wondered what the water might possibly be good for.

Pierre Auguste Renoir La Loge painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir La Loge paintingPierre Auguste Renoir Dance at Bougival paintingMary Cassatt Children Playing On The Beach painting
he couldn’t ever really know what they thought, that his extreme quickness to think that he knew was just another of his dreams. He was sure, though, that whatever they might think, it couldn’t be very good, because there wasn’t any very good thing to think of. But he felt that whatever they thought, they were just, as he was almost never just. He knew he was wrong about his mother. He had no doubt whatever, just now, that she really did love him, had never stopped loving him, and never would. He knew even that she was especially gentle to him, that she loved him in a way she loved nobody else. And he knew why he so often felt that she did not really love him. It was because she was so sorry for him, and because she had never had and never possibly could have, any respect for him. And it was respect he needed, infinitely more than love. Just not to haft to worry about whether people respect you. Not ever to have to feel that people are being nice to you because they are sorry for you, or afraid of you. He looked at Sally. Poor girl. Afraid of me. That’s Sally. And it is all my own fault. Every bit mine. And I hate her for wanting

Monday, October 6, 2008

Johannes Vermeer The Concert painting

Johannes Vermeer The Concert paintingGustave Courbet The Origin of the World paintingGustave Courbet Plage de Normandie painting
questioning, but now even some of these began to smile. Somewhat timidly, but feeling assured that his father was proud of him and that he was liked, and liked these men, he smiled back; and suddenly many of the men laughed. He was disconcerted by their laughter and lost his smile a moment; then, realizing it was friendly, smiled again; and again they laughed. His father smiled at him. “That’s my boy,” he said warmly. “Six years old, and he can already read like I couldn’t read when I was twice his age.”
Rufus felt a sudden hollowness in his voice, and all along the bar, and in his own heart. But how does he fight, he thought. You don’t brag about smartness if your son is brave. He felt the anguish of shame, but his father did not seem to notice, except that as suddenly as he had lifted him up to the bar, he gently lifted him down again. “Reckon I’ll have another,” he said, and drank it more slowly; then, with a few good nights, they went out.

Guido Reni The Archangel Michael painting

Guido Reni The Archangel Michael paintingFrancois Boucher The Rape of Europa paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam painting
international travel can be overly stressful and unnecessarily complicated. If travel becomes too complicated, you can end up defeating yourself before any external pressures even arrive.
To counter the stress, here are 5 “big-picture” strategies and 8 specific, practical tips you can use to simplify your next big trip. Some of them will help you save time and money – both worthy – but all will help you cut out some of the stress.
5 Big-Picture Strategies
Create Your Own Travel p - Prioritize what’s important to you, and plan your trip according to that. A lot of people have expectations or ideas about travel that they have received from others. I think it’s better to decide for yourself what you value about travel as well as how you like to travel.
As for me, I like to do it all. I go between nice hotels like the one I’m at in Egypt and $10 hostels… or even sleeping on the floor of airports from Dallas to Singapore. Yes, I know it’s crazy, but that’s

Thomas Kinkade Yawkey Way painting

Thomas Kinkade Yawkey Way paintingThomas Kinkade Town Square paintingThomas Kinkade PARIS EIFFEL TOWER painting
as the next two by Seuss. This book is characteristic of Seuss’s early days. * There’s a Wocket in My Pocket!, by Dr. Seuss. A great tongue-twister book, this is the epitome of much of his silly, fun stuff. * The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. His most socially conscious book. Although many of his books have a message, this is the most overt. It talks about the dangers of industrialism and environmental damange, in such an easily understood manner that any kid could get it. * The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. If Seuss is the best, Silverstein is right behind him. If I had to list just 10 books here, this book would be one of them. Such a sweet, sad, true book, with great drawings of course. * The Five Chinese Brothers, by Claire Hutchett Bishop. I read this as a little kid, and forgot about it until rediscovering it with my kids in recent years. It’s a classic, and will be loved by any kid.

Unknown Artist Ford Smith Depth of Meaning painting

Unknown Artist Ford Smith Depth of Meaning paintingGeorge Frederick Watts The Spirit of Christianity paintingGeorge Frederick Watts The Recording Angel painting

won’t guarantee that all of these will work for you. They worked for me, but each person is different. Pick and choose the ones that will work best for you, and give them a try. One at a time.
1. One thing at a time. This is the simplest and best way to start reducing your stress, and you can start today. Right now. Focus as much as possible on doing one thing at a time. Clear your desk of distractions. Pick something to work on. Need to write a report? Do only that. Remove distractions such as phones and email notifications while you’re working on that report. If you’re going to do email, do only that. This takes practice, and you’ll get urges to do other things. Just keep practicing and you’ll get better at it.
Simplify your schedule. A hectic schedule is a major cause of high stress. Simplify by reducing the number of commitments in your to just the essential ones. Learn to say no to the rest — and slowly

Thomas Moran Venice, from near San Giorgio painting

Thomas Moran Venice, from near San Giorgio paintingThomas Moran Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice paintingJean Francois Millet Woman Baking Bread painting
from Brideshead to my flat, Rex’s from Brideshead to his house, and Mrs Muspratt’s from Falmouth to Brideshead - was in full swing and we were all, in varying degrees, homeless, when a halt Cordelia, who had been sadly abandoned in the turmoil. Brideshead, indeed, had made a formal request to her to consider his house her for as long as it suited her, but when she learned that her sister-in-law proposed to install her children there for the holidays immediately after the wedding, in the charge of a sister of hers and the sister’s friend, Cordelia had decided to move, too, and was talking of setting up alone in London. She now found herself,was called and Lord Marchmain, with a taste for the dramatically inopportune which was plainly the prototype of his elder son’s, declared his intention, in view of the international situation, of returning to England and passing his declining years, in his old Home.
The only member of the family to whom this change promised any benefit

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Raphael Madonna of Loreto painting

Raphael Madonna of Loreto paintingWilliam Bouguereau The Virgin of the Lilies paintingWilliam Bouguereau The Madonna of the Roses painting
off her. He was gloating on her in the most revolting way all through luncheon.’ ‘Friendly?’
‘Goodness, yes, in a condescending way. You see, I imagine she’s been used to bossing things rather in naval circles, with flag-lieutenants trotting round and young officers on-the-make sucking up to her. Well, she clearly couldn’t do a great deal of bossing at Aunt Fanny’s, so it put her rather at ease to have me there as the black sheep.
She concentrated on me in fact, asked my advice about shops and things, said, rather pointedly, she hoped to see me often in London. I think Bridey’s scruples only extend to her sleeping under the same roof with me. Apparently I can do her no serious harm in a hat-shop or hairdresser’s or lunching at the Ritz. The scruples are all on Bridey’s part, anyway; the widow is madly tough.’
‘Does she boss him?’

Pierre Auguste Renoir Sleeping Bather painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir Sleeping Bather paintingPierre Auguste Renoir Seating Girl paintingPierre Auguste Renoir By the Water painting
first kissed her, there was no alteration from the mood of the afternoon. Later, turning it over in my mind, as I turned in my bed with the rise and fall of the ship, through the long, lonely, drowsy night, I recalled the we aren’t allowed to play in public.’
So the party adjourned to my sitting-room and we played for low stakes until late into the night, when Julia left and our host had drunk too much wine to be surprised that she and I were not in the same quarters. When all but he had gone, he fell asleep in his chaircourtships of the past, dead, ten years; how, knotting my tie before setting out, in my buttonhole, I would plan my evening and think at such and such people are really made of’ ‘You have a predilection for good sailors?’
‘Well, put like that I don’t know that I do - what I mean is, it makes for getting together.’

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Juarez Machado Tango in a Box painting

Juarez Machado Tango in a Box paintingJuarez Machado Soiree Elegante paintingJuarez Machado Ponto di Rialto painting
atmosphere...Then she brings up religion. I’ve nothing against her Church; we don’t take much account of Catholics in Canada, but that’s different; in Europe you’ve got some very posh Catholics. All right, Julia can go to church whenever she wants to. I shan’t try and stop her. It doesn’t mean two pins to her, as a matter of fact, but I like a girl to have religion. What’s more, she can bring the children up Catholic. I’ll make all the “promises” they want...Then there’s my past. “We know so little about you.” She knows a sight too much. You may know I’ve been tied up with someone else for a year or two.’
I knew; everyone who had ever met Rex knew of his affair with Brenda Champion; knew also that it was from this affair that he derived everything which distinguished him from every other stock-jobber; his

Claude Monet Still Life With Melon painting

Claude Monet Still Life With Melon paintingFabian Perez white and red paintingFabian Perez Flamenco Dancer painting
.” ‘
‘A saying.’
‘Ah.’ The cream and hot butter mingled and overflowed, separating each glaucous bead of caviar from its fellows, capping it in white and gold. ‘I like a bit of chopped onion with mine, ‘ said Rex. ‘Chap who-knew told me it brought out the flavour.’
‘Try it without first I said. ‘And tell me more news of myself.’ ‘Well, of course, Greenacre, or whatever he was called - the snooty don - he came a cropper. That was well received by all.
He was the blue-eyed boy for a day or two after you left. Shouldn’t wonder if he hadn’t put the old girl up to pitching you out. He was always being pushed down our throats, so in the end Julia couldn’t bear it any more and gave him away.’ ‘Julia did? ‘
‘Well, he’d begun to stick his nose into our affairs, you see. Julia spotted he

Steve Hanks View from the Balcony painting

Steve Hanks View from the Balcony paintingSteve Hanks Silver Strand paintingSteve Hanks Holding the Family Together painting
Living was easy in France then; with the exchange as it was, my allowance went a long way and I did not live frugally. It was very seldom, however, that I had a dinner like this, and I felt well disposed to Rex, when at last he arrived and gave up his hat and coat with the air of not expecting to see them again. He looked round the sombre little place with suspicion as though hoping to see apaches or a drinking party of students. All he saw was four senators with napkins tucked under their beards eating in absolute silence. I could imagine him telling his commercial friends later: ‘...interesting fellow I know; an art student living in Paris. Took me to a funny little restaurant - sort of place you’d pass without looking at - where there was some of the best food I ever ate. There were half a dozen senators there, too, which shows you it was the right place. Wasn’t at all cheap either.’
‘Any sign of Sebastian?’ he asked.
‘There won’t be,’ I said, ‘until he needs money.’
‘It’s a bit thick, going off like that. I was rather hoping

Irene Sheri Mediterranean Sunset painting

Irene Sheri Mediterranean Sunset paintingIrene Sheri Dreaming of Tomorrow paintingFrederick Carl Frieseke Through the Vines painting
night, seeing his clouded eye and groping movements, hearing his thickened voice breaking in, ineptly, after long brutish silences. When at length Lady Marchmain and Julia and the servants left us, Brideshead said: ‘You’d best go to bed, Sebastian.’
‘Have some port first.’
‘Yes, have some port if you want it. But don’t come into the drawing-room.’ ‘Too bloody drunk,’ said Sebastian nodding heavily. ‘Like olden times. Gentlemen always too drunk join ladies in olden times.’
(‘And,yet, you know, it wasn’t,’ said Mr Samgrass, trying to be chatty with me about it afterwards, ‘it wasn’t at all like olden times. I wonder where the difference lies. The lack of good humour? The lack of companionship? You know I think he must have been drinking by himself today. Where did he

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thomas Kinkade Beyond Summer Gate painting

Thomas Kinkade Beyond Summer Gate paintingThomas Kinkade Autumn Snow paintingEdward Hopper Tables for Ladies painting
been voracious of new acquaintances, now felt surfeited; even our small circle of intimates, so lively in the summer sunshine, seemed dimmed and muted now in the pervading fog, the river-borne twilight that softened and obscured all that year for me. Anthony Blanche had taken something away with him when he went; he had locked a door and hung the key on his chain; and all his friends, among whom he had always been a stranger, needed him now.
The Charity matinée was over, I felt; the impresario had buttoned his astrakhan coat and taken his fee and the disconsolate ladies of the company were without a leader.
Without him they forgot their cues and garbled their lines; they needed him to ring the curtain up at the right moment; they needed him to direct the lime-lights they needed his whisper in the wings, and his imperious eye on the

Alfred Gockel Wild Party I painting

Alfred Gockel Wild Party I paintingLeonardo da Vinci Portrait of Ginevra de Benci paintingLeonardo da Vinci Portrait Of A Young Lady painting
IT is typical of Oxford,’ I said, ‘to start the new year in autumn.’

Everywhere, on cobble and gravel and lawn, the leaves were falling and in the the smoke of the bonfires joined the wet river mist, drifting across the grey walls; the flags were oily underfoot and as, one by one, the lamps were lit in the windows round the quad, the golden lights were diffuse and remote, new figures in new gowns wandered through the twilight under the arches and the familiar bells now spoke of a year’s memories.
The autumnal mood possessed us both as though the riotous exuberance of June had died with the gillyflowers whose scent at my windows now yielded to the damp leaves, smouldering in a corner of the quad.
It was the first Sunday evening of term.