Thursday, October 30, 2008

George Stubbs Horse Attacked by a Lion painting

George Stubbs Horse Attacked by a Lion paintingUnknown Artist Wave Rider paintingJohannes Vermeer Young Woman with a Water Jug painting
Billow of sail, flash of oars, and the Conqueror himself at the flagship's prow, sailing up the beach between the barnacled wooden breakwaters and a few inverted sculls. -- O, I've seen things in my time, always had the gift, the phantom-sight. -- The Conqueror in his pointy metal-nosed hat, passing through her front door, gliding betwixt the cakestands and antimacassared sofas, like an echo resounding faintly through that house of remembrances and yearnings; then falling silent; _as the grave_. What you smell may influence emotions in your dreams, according to a new study.
When researchers gave dreaming subjects whiffs of rose scent, the subjects reported rosier dreams. The scent of rotten eggs, on the other hand, provoked unpleasant dreams, the study found.
-- Once as a girl on Battle Hill, she was fond of recounting, always in the same time--polished words, -- once as a solitary child, I found myself, quite suddenly and with no sense of strangeness, in the middle of a war. Longbows, maces, pikes. The flaxen-Saxon boys, cut down in their sweet youth. Harold Arroweye and William with his mouth full of sand. Yes, always the gift, the phantom-sight. -- The story of the day on which the child Rosa had seen

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