Thursday, October 23, 2008

George Frederick Watts Endymion painting

George Frederick Watts Endymion paintingGeorge Frederick Watts Creation paintingUnknown Artist Venice Grand Canal painting
another shriek, a distant thud, then hurried footsteps across the corridor. Somebody was in my room again. The door was softly closed and barred. I recognized Urgulanilla's panting breath. I heard her clothes being taken off and laid on a chair, and soon she was lying beside me. I pretended to be asleep. She groped for my throat in the dark. I said, as if half-waking: "Don't do that, darling. It tickles. And I've got to go to Rome to-morrow to buy some cosmetics for you." Then in a more wakeful voice: "O Urgula nilla! Is that you? What's all that noise? What's the time? Have we been asleep long?"
She said, "I don't know. I must have been asleep about three hours. It's just before dawn. It sounds as though something dreadful has happened. Let's go and see."
So we got up and put on our clothes in a hurry and unlocked

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