Sunday, October 5, 2008

Raphael Madonna of Loreto painting

Raphael Madonna of Loreto paintingWilliam Bouguereau The Virgin of the Lilies paintingWilliam Bouguereau The Madonna of the Roses painting
off her. He was gloating on her in the most revolting way all through luncheon.’ ‘Friendly?’
‘Goodness, yes, in a condescending way. You see, I imagine she’s been used to bossing things rather in naval circles, with flag-lieutenants trotting round and young officers on-the-make sucking up to her. Well, she clearly couldn’t do a great deal of bossing at Aunt Fanny’s, so it put her rather at ease to have me there as the black sheep.
She concentrated on me in fact, asked my advice about shops and things, said, rather pointedly, she hoped to see me often in London. I think Bridey’s scruples only extend to her sleeping under the same roof with me. Apparently I can do her no serious harm in a hat-shop or hairdresser’s or lunching at the Ritz. The scruples are all on Bridey’s part, anyway; the widow is madly tough.’
‘Does she boss him?’

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