Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fabian Perez Flamenco painting

Fabian Perez Flamenco paintingJohannes Vermeer View Of Delft paintingJohannes Vermeer The Kitchen Maid painting
communicatively is emotion, so for them the melody is the message.
'Our study showed that by nine months, babies are categorising songs as happy or sad in the same way that pre-schoolers and adults do.'
To find out whether babies were able to tell the difference between different scores, researchers designed experiments that 'take advantage of what babies say with their eyes'.
First they displayed an 'emotionally-neutral' face for the baby while music played.When the baby looked away from the face, the music stopped and the researchers queued up a new song from a playlist of five happy and five sad pieces.
For each, observers recorded how long the baby paid attention to the face. The babies that noticed a switch from happy to sad, or vice versa, stared at the face three to four seconds longer than usual because of their heightened interest.

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