Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jean Francois Millet Spring painting

Jean Francois Millet Spring paintingJean Francois Millet Man with a hoe paintingHerbert James Draper The Water Nymph painting
laughs less easily. Like his opponent he is a cautious man, he walks on the balls of his feet. He remembers the big one, the slave, Bilal: how his master asked him, outside the Lat temple, to enumerate the gods. "One," he answered in that huge musical voice. Blasphemy, punishable by death. They stretched him out in the fairground with a boulder on his chest. _How many did you say?_ One, he repeated, one. A second boulder was added to the first. _city, their obsession with water makes them freakish. Ablutions, always ablutions, the legs up to the knees, the arms down to the elbows, the head down to the neck. Dry-torsoed, wet-limbed and damp-headed, what eccentrics they look! Splish, splosh, washing and praying. On their knees, pushing arms, legs, heads back into the ubiquitous sand, and then beginning again the cycle of water

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