Monday, October 27, 2008

Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam painting

Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam paintingThomas Kinkade The Rose Garden paintingCaravaggio Amor Vincit Omnia painting
The small steps in Kaizen don’t set off fight or flight, but rather keep us in the thinking brain, where we have access to our creativity and playfulness.will seem ridiculously easy! Do this for a about forty days, and you’ll be running for 10 minutes. A month later, and you’ll be running for 20 minutes. By that time your running habit will be well established. But it will have happened naturally!
You can apply the same principle to establishing any exercise. Whether it’s, or swimming, or walking.
The important thing is keep to your plan. You may feel that you could easily do more than the prescribed amount of exercise, but please rein in your enthusiasm. Just do the requisite amount, and not more. This is the trick to establishing an exercise habit without stress or strain.
Exercise really is a miracle pill. This is what it can do for you:
1. Helps prevent or manage high blood pressure
Let’s take a look at how that could be applied to physical exercise. I’ll take running as an example. Could you run for 15 seconds? Most people can. With the of Kaizen, you could say that if can run for 15 seconds, you can learn to run for a minute - and even for an hour. How?
Follow this simple running plan. Add 15 seconds each day.

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