Thursday, October 30, 2008

Edward Hopper Hotel Lobby painting

Edward Hopper Hotel Lobby paintingEdward Hopper Early Sunday Morning paintingLeroy Neiman Ryder Cup painting
until the blood has been avenged by blood; whereupon it is customary to compose a poem of celebration, but few revengers are gifted in rhyme. Many poets make a living by writingat frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and stop it from going to sleep." And if rivers of blood flow from the cuts his verses inflict, then they will nourish him. He is the satirist, Baal.
A curtained litter passes by; some fine lady of the city, out to see the fair, borne on the shoulders of eight Anatolian slaves. Abu Simbel takes the young Baal by the elbow, under the pretext assassination songs, and there is general agreement that the finest of these blood--praising versifiers is the precocious polemicist, Baal. Whose professional pride prevents him from being bruised, now, by the Grandee's little taunt. "That is a cultural matter," he replies. Abu Simbel sinks deeper still into silkiness. "Maybe so," he whispers at the gates of the House of the

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