Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Edward Hopper The Long Leg painting

Edward Hopper The Long Leg paintingEdward Hopper The Camel's Hump paintingEdward Hopper Soir Bleu painting
not mentioned several things that he would have been interested to hear-how many recruits there were in the parade, how far advanced their military training was, to what garrison town they were being sent, whether they looked glad or sorry to go, what Augustus said to them in his speech.
Three days later Athenodorus made me write out a description of a brawl between a sailor and clothes dealer which we had watched together that day as we were walking in the rag-market; and I did much better. He first applied this discipline to my writing, then to my declamations, and finally to my general conversation with him. He took endless pains with me, and gradually I grew less scatter-brained, for he never let any careless, irrelevant, or inexact phrase of mine pass without comment.
He tried to interest me in speculative philosophy, but when he saw that I had no bent that way he did not

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