Monday, October 13, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci picture of last supper painting

Leonardo da Vinci picture of last supper paintingGustav Klimt lady with fan paintingGustav Klimt two girls with an oleander painting
Finally, note the names of anyone who seems to be hailed as a leader in the field – especially if they are profiled or interviewed.
4. Find the experts.In strategies 1-3 above, you should have amassed a list of names of key experts; Google them and try to find their homepages. If they’re academics, they should have a Homepage at their university, at least; if Business leaders, look for them in the directories of the companies they work for. If you’re really lucky, they’ll have a personal site or even a blog, giving you access to all sorts of information “straight from the horse’s mouth” so to speak.
5. Ask for help.Once you’ve located your experts, email them or call them, explain your topic, and ask their advice. This won’t work in every situation, or even be appropriate, but you’d be surprised at how helpful people can be when you

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