Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Titian Bacchus and Ariadne painting

Titian Bacchus and Ariadne paintingLorenzo Lotto St Catherine of Alexandria paintingTheodore Chasseriau Apollo and Daphne painting
be like to be on the air: what he would say, how to work the controls, his on air persona. He continued to believe in his dream, and had the patience, determination and positive attitude to remain at the station as an errand boy, knowing his opportunity would come. He hung out with the other DJs, absorbed their knowledge and learned everything he could about the controls and how they worked on the air.
One day a DJ got too drunk to continue. Any other person in his situation, working as an errand boy at the station, likely would have gone into the control room, perhaps announced the station would be off air for a little while, and continued working as an errand boy at the station – but not Les Brown. Les was prepared, knew his lines, and hungry to be on air. He grabbed his opportunity, and from the second he got his hands on the microphone knew what he was going to say and delivered. He kept a positive attitude in the face of adversity, and was able to make the most out of his opportunity because he was patient and ensured he would be in the right place at the right time. He wowed his station manager, family

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