Saturday, October 4, 2008

Steve Hanks View from the Balcony painting

Steve Hanks View from the Balcony paintingSteve Hanks Silver Strand paintingSteve Hanks Holding the Family Together painting
Living was easy in France then; with the exchange as it was, my allowance went a long way and I did not live frugally. It was very seldom, however, that I had a dinner like this, and I felt well disposed to Rex, when at last he arrived and gave up his hat and coat with the air of not expecting to see them again. He looked round the sombre little place with suspicion as though hoping to see apaches or a drinking party of students. All he saw was four senators with napkins tucked under their beards eating in absolute silence. I could imagine him telling his commercial friends later: ‘...interesting fellow I know; an art student living in Paris. Took me to a funny little restaurant - sort of place you’d pass without looking at - where there was some of the best food I ever ate. There were half a dozen senators there, too, which shows you it was the right place. Wasn’t at all cheap either.’
‘Any sign of Sebastian?’ he asked.
‘There won’t be,’ I said, ‘until he needs money.’
‘It’s a bit thick, going off like that. I was rather hoping

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