Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Herbert James Draper Pot Pourri painting

Herbert James Draper Pot Pourri paintingHerbert James Draper Lancelot and Guinevere paintingHerbert James Draper Lament for Icarus painting
Agrippinilla-my present wife-came to hear of its publication every copy would be suppressed and my unfortunate copying-scribes would suffer for my indiscretions. They would be lucky to escape with their arms unbroken and their thumbs and index-fingers unlopped, which would be a typical indication of Agrippinilla's displeasure. How that woman loathes me!
My father's example has guided me throughout life more strongly than that of any other person whatsoever, with the exception of my brother Germanicus. And Germanicus was, all agree, my father's very image in feature, body (but for his thin legs), courage, intellect and nobility; so I readily combine them in my mind as a single character. If I could start this story fairly

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