Friday, March 27, 2009

Gustav Klimt Death and Life

Gustav Klimt Death and LifeGustav Klimt Beethoven FriezeGustav Klimt Apple Tree ISalvador Dali Persistence of MemorySalvador Dali Metamorphosis of Narcissus
must have been important. Looks a bit temple-ish,’ said Victor. ‘Why’d she want to open it?’
‘Bits of cliff sliding down an’ mysterious doors appearin’,’ said Gaspode, shaking his head. ‘That’s a lot of boding. Let’s go somewhere far away and really think about it, eh?’
Ginger gave a groan. Victor crouched down.
‘What’d she say?’
‘Dunnosaid. ‘We did our first click here. It’s where I first met her.’
‘Very romantic,’ said Gaspode distantly, hurrying away with Laddie bounding happily around him. ‘If something ‘orrible comes out of that door, you can fink of it as Our Monster.’
‘Hey! Wait!’
‘Hurry up, then.’ ,’ said Gaspode. ‘It sounded like "I want to be a lawn", I thought?’ ‘Daft. Touch of the sun there, I reckon,’ said Gaspode knowledgeably. ‘Maybe you’re right. Her head certainly feels very hot.’ He picked her up, staggering a little under the weight. ‘Come on,’ he managed. ‘Let’s get down into the town. It’ll be getting dark soon.’ He looked around at the stunted trees. The door lay in a sort of hollow, which presumably caught enough dew to make the growth there slightly less desiccated than elsewhere. ‘You know, this place looks familiar,’ he
‘What would she want to be a lawn for, do you think?’

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