Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sung Kim Palm Reflection

Sung Kim Palm ReflectionSung Kim Overlook Cafe IISung Kim Overlook Cafe ISung Kim EscapeUnknown Artist Tango Rouge by Hamish Blakely
through the puddles, grabbed a drainpipe to swing around the corner and, clicking its heels together merrily, disappeared from view.
Sgt Colon handed the soggy dog-end back to his companion.
‘Was that old Throat Dibbler?’ he said after a while.
‘Yeah,’ said Nobby.
‘He looked wandered over to the big pot. It was actually wobbling from side to side, as if the building was shaking.
The Archchancellor watched, fascinated.
. . . whumm . . . whummwhummwhummWHUMM.
It wobbled to a standstill, and went silent.
‘Odd,’ said the Archchancellor. ‘Damned odd.’ happy, didn’t he?’ ‘Must be off ‘is nut, if you ask me,’ said Nobby. ‘Singing in the rain like that.’ Whumm . . . whumm . . . The Archchancellor, who had been updating his dragon stud book and enjoying a late night drink in front of the fire, looked up. . . . whumm . . . whumm . . . whumm . . . ‘Bigods!’ he muttered, and

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