Monday, March 30, 2009

William Blake The Resurrection

William Blake The ResurrectionWilliam Blake The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with SunWilliam Blake The Descent of ChristWilliam Blake LosWilliam Blake the Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve
the sea, right? All you have to do is swim down there and hope your lungs hold out.’
Laddie barked.
‘Not you,’ said Gaspode. ‘I wasn’t talking to you. Never volunteer for anything.’
Victor continued his burrowing among the rocks.
‘I don’t ‘Gaspode?’ said Victor apprehensively.
‘It’s OK. I’m through. An’ I can see the door.’
Victor felt the air move and there was a scratching noise. He reached out carefully and his hand met a ferociously hairy body.
‘Laddie’s trying to follow you!’
‘He’s too big. He’ll get stuck!’know,’ he said, after a while, ‘but it seems to me I can see a bit of light here. What do you think?’He heard Gaspode scramble over the stones.‘Could be, could be,’ said the dog grudgingly. ‘Looks like a couple of blocks have wedged up and left a space.’‘Big enough for someone small to crawl through?’ said Victor encouragingly.‘I knew you were going to say that,’ said Gaspode.Victor heard the scrabble of paws on loose rock. Eventually a muffled voice said, ‘It opens up a bit . . . tight squeeze here . . . blimey . . . ‘There was silence.

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