Friday, February 27, 2009

Jack Vettriano The Picnic Party

Jack Vettriano The Picnic PartyJack Vettriano The Missing ManJack Vettriano The Man in the MirrorJack Vettriano The Last Great Romantic
eighth graders scored ninth out of 48. Hong Kong and Taiwan ranked first for fourth grade and eighth grade, respectively. In science, Singapore topped the list for both fourth grade and eighth grade, with U.S. science students taking eighth place and 11th place.
While the , the most recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that the percentage of overweight or obese 6- to 11-year-olds has tripled since 1980, with more than 125 million children at unhealthy levels.
Leaping backward
Ironically, one of the solutions proposed for raising test scores, the federal No Child Left Behind program, encourages schools to focus more of the school American math scores have improved slightly, the science scores have dropped. In 2003, U.S. fourth graders were in sixth place in the world and eighth graders were in ninth place. Only 6 percent of U.S. eighth-grade students reached the TIMSS "advanced" level in math, compared to 45 percent of students in Chinese Taipei, 40 percent in Korea, 40 percent in Singapore, 31 percent in Hong Kong, 26 percent in Japan and 10 percent in Hungary.Regarding student fitness

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Edward Hopper Second Story Sunlight

Edward Hopper Second Story SunlightEdward Hopper Route 6 EasthamEdward Hopper Queensborough BridgeEdward Hopper House by the Railroad
Dr Richard Krauzlis, from the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, focused on the "command centre" in the brain responsible for eye-tracking.
He found that the brain region played an integral part in the mechanism that controlled the movements.
The evidence suggested that the flickering movements were necessary for normal vision, said the researchers, whose findings are reported in the journal scienceresearch shows they are actively controlled by the same brain region used to scan newspaper .
Co-author Dr Ziad Hafed, also from the Salk Institute, said: "Because images on the retina fade from view if they are perfectly stabilised, the active generation of fixational eye movements by the central nervous system allows these movements to constantly shift the scene ever so slightly, thus refreshing the images on our retina and preventing us from going 'blind'."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Abundant Harvest

Thomas Kinkade Abundant HarvestThomas Kinkade A Holiday GatheringCaravaggio The Entombment of ChristCaravaggio Boy with a Basket of Fruit
he'll try to bargain. And we shall have him. And the gold. And the chest."
Withel's one eye glared, and he made a fist into the palm of a black-gloved hand.
"Who would have thought there was so much sapient pearwood in the whole of the disc?" he said.
"How could we have known?"
"You fret friend?" asked Ymor quietly.
"N-nothing, Ymor.
"There are no secrets between friends, Broadman."
"Yar. Well, I’m not sure about it myself, really. It's a sort of bet, see?" said the innkeeper nervously "inn-sewer-ants, it's called. It's like a bet that the Broken Drum won't get burned down."
Ymor held the man's gaze until Broadman twitched in fear and embarrassment. Thtoo much, Stren. I’m sure you can do better this time," said Ymor pleasantly.The lieutenant snorted in disgust, and strode off around the room to bully his men. Ymor carried on watching the tourist.It was strange, but the little man didn't seem to realise the seriousness of his position. Ymor had on several occasions seen him look around the room with an expression of deep satisfaction he had also been talking for ages to Broadman and Ymer had seen a piece of paper change hands and Broadman had given the foreigner some coins. It was strange. When Broadman got up and waddled past Ymer's chair the thiefmasters arm shot out like a steel spring and grabbed the fat man by his apron."What was that all about,en the thiefmaster laughed.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Frederic Remington The Cowboy

Frederic Remington The CowboyThomas Kinkade veniceThomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MEMORIESThomas Kinkade CHRISTMAS MEMORIES
White House etiquette is any indication, you should be getting a random hug soon. The Obama family was always cuddly on the campaign trail, and last month the President bestowed no fewer than nine hugs on senior male staffers at a single meeting.
The Hugger in ) and, for someone you're really close to, the full frontal (your standard bear hug). The big squeeze has been on the rise at least since 2006, when the Free Hugs campaign exploded worldwide. It got another boost last year, when hikers from Ohio and Pennsylvania started the Hugs for Humanity project, walking across America to deliver a million hugs. And yet another when John McCain and Sarah Palin embraced, however stiffly, at campaign rallies.Chief didn't start the trend. At work and at school, even on first introductions--at least among the latest inhabitants of The Real World--the hug is gaining ground on the handshake. There are many iterations, including the hip-hop hug (a manly shake-and-squeeze combo), the ass-out hug (an awkward ordeal that precludes genital contact

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jean Francois Millet Spring

Jean Francois Millet SpringJean Francois Millet Man with a hoeLorenzo Lotto Venus and CupidJean Fragonard The Bathers
They say that a girl’s relationship with her father informs her with her dudes. If you had a dad like me, do not let him be your primary influence on how to be with a guy. Friendships with lots of guys will help to inform you just on how complex guys can really be. You will have a better understanding of how they handle things the time you’ve caught him, he’s not all that jazz. If you are like me, you’d probably stick with him anyway out of stubborn pride. Boyfriends are not things to be captured and owned. The intensions are harmless, but the result is usually a guy whom we have worked so hard to get but that we don’t really want. We’ve got a situation of catch and release.
My suggestion is to avoid boyfriend-hunting. The best and how they generally relate to girls. Do your research and you will find that will be just a touch less confusing, which is not saying that much.The word “crush” is a pretty violent word, and truth be told when we develop these schemes and tactics to entangle a guy in the web of love, throughout the conquest you may have created an idealized image of who the guy really is, so that by

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pino Morning Dreams

'Teenagers and parents need to realise the dangers of talking to strangers online but parents must not over-react by denying access to the internet. The internet is a fantastic resource for learning and development.'
The most An hour of this time is spent looking at emotional support sites such as The Samaritans; another hour and 15 minutes is spent on dating websites and a further hour and a half on auction websites.
And for an hour and 55 minutes teenagers are creating online personas on virtual world sites such as Second life.
Two thirds of teenagers say their parents have spoken with them about what they should and shouldn't look at online.
And 45 per cent will talk to their parents if they are worried about anything common venue for teenagers to surf the web is the bedroom (33 per cent), followed by their parent's study or living room (27 per cent).But 13 to 19 year-olds readily admit they are left alone with the computer for up to two hours a day, that's 14 hours a week.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Franz Marc Pferd in Landschaft

Franz Marc Pferd in LandschaftFranz Marc KüheFranz Marc Horse in a Landscape
However, unlike the fairy tale `Frog Prince', where the ugly toad turns into a handsome prince when the princess kisses it, the Villupuram village belles bid their amphibian grooms goodbye and lead a thereafter. As the village.
Villupuram district collector R Palaniswamy told TOI that he had deputed a team led by the district social welfare officer to visit the village and submit a detailed report. "The district administration proposes to evolve comprehensive schemes to motivate and enlighten the villagers against such evil and ignorant practises," he said. But all these years the strange practice has been going on unchecked.for the terrified frogs, they are thrown back into the temple ponds after the ceremony.Earlier the 'relatives' of the brides came in a procession to the grooms' houses in the eastern part of the village to fix the marriage and later went to the temple pond to catch the frogs. The frog princes were tied to long sticks decorated with garlands for the ceremonies.An elderly woman of the village said the ritual was practised traditionally for several generations to ward off evil spirits and diseases from

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888Thomas Kinkade The old fishing holeThomas Kinkade The Light of Freedom
able to match a speaker’s voice with a photograph over 75 percent of the time and that those people with symmetrical traits (a sign of genetic fitness) were rated as having more .
The Sound of Sex?Voices can tip us off not just to how people look, but perhaps to their level of sexual activity as well. A 2004 Since voice is correlated with symmetrical proportions, which play a large role in attractiveness, it’s no surprise that a person’s voice also corresponds to her sexual activity. The study also found that men and women with more study looked at the voice attractiveness and body dimensions. In men, an attractive voice was correlated with a higher shoulder-to-hip ratio (broad shoulders, narrow waist); in women, correlated with waist-to-hip ratio (waist narrower than hips). The authors speculate that because testosterone influences both voice and physical development, a man’s deep baritone can indicate more muscle mass and strength, and hence, greater genetic fitness. Likewise, estrogen and progesterone influence a woman’s voice as well as her body dimensions, which can indicate her reproductive status.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Sunset at Riverbend Farm

Thomas Kinkade Sunset at Riverbend FarmThomas Kinkade Seaside HideawayThomas Kinkade Pools of Serenity
The other horse traders nearby jeered, and a flighty colt reared up in alarm.
"What's going on?" said Lyra to a gyptian child who'd been watching open-mouthed. "What's she angry about?"
"It's her kid," said, contemptuous of the limited imaginations of these gyptian daemons, became a dragon the size of a deer hound.
But before they could all join battle, Ma Costa herself waded in, smacking two of the child. "It's Billy. She probly reckons the Gobblers got him. They might've done, too. I ain't seen him meself since-""The Gobblers? Has they come to Oxford, then?"The gyptian boy turned away to call to his friends, who were all watching Ma Costa."She don't know what's going on! She don't know the Gobblers is here!"Half a dozen brats turned with expressions of derision, and Lyra threw her cigarette down, recognizing the cue for a fight. Everyone's daemon instantly became warlike: each child was accompanied by fangs, or claws, or bristling fur, and Pantalaimon

Friday, February 13, 2009

William Bouguereau Rest

William Bouguereau RestWilliam Bouguereau The Rapture of PsycheWilliam Bouguereau Cupid and Psyche as Children
neural connections in response to life experiences. "That's fundamentally what we think the machinery of memory is, the actual making and breaking of connections between neurons,” Frank explains
In this , Frank's team already knew that sleep induced a stronger reorganization of the visual cortex in animals that had an eye patch versus those that were not allowed to sleep. Now they know why.
A molecular explanation is emerging. The key cellular player in this process is a molecule called N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), which acts like a combination listening post and gate-keeper. It both receives extracellular case, the experience Frank and his team used was visual stimulation. Animals that were young enough to still be establishing neural networks in response to visual cues were deprived of stimulation through one eye by covering that eye with a patch. The team then compared the electrophysiological and molecular changes that resulted with control animals whose eyes were not covered. Some animals were studied immediately following the visual block, while others were allowed to sleep first.From earlier work

Thursday, February 12, 2009

George Frederick Watts The Recording Angel

George Frederick Watts The Recording AngelGeorge Frederick Watts She shall be called womanGeorge Frederick Watts Creation
Telegraph is reporting that social has new plans for generating revenue; offering its 150 million user database as a market research tool to corporations.
Starting this spring, companies will be able to selectively target Facmembers in order to research the appeal of new products through a polling system called Engagement Ads as demonstrated at the World Economic Davos.The Evolution of Engagement Adsfirst log on and prompt you to interact with an ad. If you did interact with the ad, Facwould then attempt to share your action with your friends thus "getting the ad in front of more eyeballs."
At the time, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said that ads systems are "built over time through continual tweaking." She added that Facebook's existing ad offerings were doing well but " broader opportunity."
If the Telegraph report is correct, Engagement Ads have
Engagement Ads are not new to Facebook. Last year, The Wall Street Journal reported that had begun "quietly testing" the product in August and was hoping to roll it out by the end of November.
Engagement Ads, said the WSJ, would appear

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Mountain Paradise

Thomas Kinkade Mountain ParadiseThomas Kinkade Christmas CottageThomas Kinkade A Peaceful Retreat
adventure, of exploration, of just enjoying a good story. If you learn to love reading, as I do and as many others do, it’s not really a habit you have to develop — it’s something you look forward to doing each day.
On than playing outside? Better than a good conversation? Better than exploring websites on a topic that excites you? Better than exploring nature? Better than playing sports? Better than drawing or painting or playing music or dancing?
I don’t think so. I think each activity has its own benefits and pleasures.
Is reading better than watching TV? I tend to believe it is, if learning is important to you, but not necessarily so if pleasure is your main concern. Both activities Reading Being Good For YouFirst let’s take a look at a deeply entrenched concept: that reading is wholesome and healthy and Good For You. Well, I think it is, but is it inherently better than any of a thousand other activities? Maybe sometimes.Is reading a book better

Friday, February 6, 2009

Marc Chagall The Birthday

Marc Chagall The BirthdayMarc Chagall RainMarc Chagall Blue Lovers
In college I took a class called “The Author’s Intention,” which analyzed whether readers (and even the authors themselves) can ever really understand the meaning behind a piece of writing. When we read a poem or a story, we bring our own experiences into the text and that often yields vastly different interpretations. Thus, the of us use music as an outlet for our deepest feelings, we are often shocked when the meanings that we have given to certain songs prove false. Just as some literary works are commonly misinterpreted, there are songs with meanings that are consistently misinterpreted. All too often, we find out that the songs we put on mix tapes for our crushes, or those we listen to on repeat
meanings of things such as songs, which can be interpreted as poems set to music, become blurred and stretch far from what their writers might have originally intended.Because many

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Leroy Neiman Desert Inn Baccarat

Leroy Neiman Desert Inn BaccaratLeroy Neiman Derby Day PaddockLeroy Neiman Delacroix's Tiger
Exchequer, was, for a minute or two, "nothing but a fat cunt".
Hardly a week goes by without one of the more creative or subversive additions taking flight, adding greatly to the gaiety of to have made his pre-Take That living "by eating domestic pets in pubs in and around Stoke". For a month and a half, a Wikipedia page was reporting that Margaret Thatcher was fictitious.
For celebrities, you know you've arrived when you have a Wikipedia page created about you. But you also know that you only hit the very top when you die in Wikiworld. Miley Cyrus, Oprah Winfrey, the Apple founder Steve Jobs and the British presenter Vernon Kay have all been declared dead by hoaxers the nation. Most recently, Alan Titchmarsh – not-very-proud recipient of the Bad Sex Award for embarrassing passages in fiction – was said by his Wikipedia page to be penning a new Kama Sutra. Robbie Williams was once declared

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Leroy Neiman Racing

Leroy Neiman RacingLeroy Neiman Race of the YearLeroy Neiman Queen at Ascot
—it’s almost impossible to retrieve the money if your purchase isn’t shipped.
2. Bank fraud. “Phishing scams” are popular email scams. You’ll get an email from your bank warning you that someone has been be left with nothing—except that mortgage or credit card bill they still haven’t taken care of. 3. You’ve won a FREE Xbox fraud. Pretty much any time you’re given something for nothing you should be wary. As charitable as Bill Gates is, Microsoft Corporation is isn’t going to give away thousands of free Xbox’s. The email will read something like this: “Congratulations! You’ve won a FREE Xbox (or iPod, or TiVo, or some other fancy gadget)! All wetrying to access your account. They’ll ask you to click on a link and verify your information, so the bank can take care of everything. No matter how legitimate the email looks, banks never email you asking for your information. The email is from a scammer hoping to empty your savings. The most recent scams play off government stimulus checks and EPPICards (for child support payments). Check the National Consumers League’s Internet Fraud Watch for tips to avoid such scams. Similar schemes play off mortgage and credit card debt elimination, with the scammer offering to get rid of your debt for a small fee ($1000-2000) and power of attorney authorizing transactions on your behalf. When this information (and payment) is entrusted to them, you’ll

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Caravaggio The Raising of Lazarus

Caravaggio The Raising of LazarusCaravaggio The Sacrifice of IsaacCaravaggio The Musicians
provide some measure of untethered e-mail access. For now, Google calls this addition "experimental"—you've got to turn it on explicitly, and the company is asking users to report any bugs—but I found it easy to set up and a delight to use.
To get offline an hour yesterday. I loaded up Gmail on my laptop, and it responded seamlessly—I could read, search through, and respond to any message I'd received during the last two months, all through the familiar Web interface. Eureka! I'll never again be mailless on a plane, a subway, or anyplace else where you don't have the Web but do have a lot of time to kill.access, you first need to download and install a small program called Google Gears (except if you're using Google's Chrome browser, which comes with Gears built in). Then, after you enable Gmail's offline capability, the system will download two months of your most recent messages, which should take 30 minutes to an hour. Now you're good to go: When you're offline, type into your browser, log in—yes, Gears enables you to log in even when you don't have a Web connection—and there's your e-mail. Though I work from and rarely find myself away from a hot Wi-Fi connection, I shut off my router and parked myself on my couch for about

Monday, February 2, 2009

Edward Hopper Hotel Room

Edward Hopper Hotel RoomEdward Hopper Hotel LobbyEdward Hopper Girlie Show
it up immediately, that would be safe, surely? If we didn't leave much time for Dust to go out?"
"We'd make it where no one could ever find it," he went on, "and only us two would know...”
"Oh, it would the world. That's why the Cittagazze world was so full of them, because of all the windows they left open there."
"And they grow by feeding on Dust," said Pantalaimon. "And on daemons. Because Dust and daemons are sort of similar; grown-up daemons anyway. And the work! I'm sure it would!" she said."And we could go from one to the other, and the daemons were distressed, and Kirjava was murmuring, "No, no."And Pantalaimon said, "The Specters... She told us about the Specters, too.""The Specters?" said Will. "We saw them during the battle, for the first time. What about them?""Well, we found out where they come from," said Kirjava. "And this is the worst thing: they're like the children of the abyss. Every time we open a window with the knife, it makes a Specter. It's like a little bit of the abyss that floats out and enters