Friday, February 20, 2009

Pino Morning Dreams

'Teenagers and parents need to realise the dangers of talking to strangers online but parents must not over-react by denying access to the internet. The internet is a fantastic resource for learning and development.'
The most An hour of this time is spent looking at emotional support sites such as The Samaritans; another hour and 15 minutes is spent on dating websites and a further hour and a half on auction websites.
And for an hour and 55 minutes teenagers are creating online personas on virtual world sites such as Second life.
Two thirds of teenagers say their parents have spoken with them about what they should and shouldn't look at online.
And 45 per cent will talk to their parents if they are worried about anything common venue for teenagers to surf the web is the bedroom (33 per cent), followed by their parent's study or living room (27 per cent).But 13 to 19 year-olds readily admit they are left alone with the computer for up to two hours a day, that's 14 hours a week.

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