Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888Thomas Kinkade The old fishing holeThomas Kinkade The Light of Freedom
able to match a speaker’s voice with a photograph over 75 percent of the time and that those people with symmetrical traits (a sign of genetic fitness) were rated as having more .
The Sound of Sex?Voices can tip us off not just to how people look, but perhaps to their level of sexual activity as well. A 2004 Since voice is correlated with symmetrical proportions, which play a large role in attractiveness, it’s no surprise that a person’s voice also corresponds to her sexual activity. The study also found that men and women with more study looked at the voice attractiveness and body dimensions. In men, an attractive voice was correlated with a higher shoulder-to-hip ratio (broad shoulders, narrow waist); in women, correlated with waist-to-hip ratio (waist narrower than hips). The authors speculate that because testosterone influences both voice and physical development, a man’s deep baritone can indicate more muscle mass and strength, and hence, greater genetic fitness. Likewise, estrogen and progesterone influence a woman’s voice as well as her body dimensions, which can indicate her reproductive status.

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