Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Mountain Paradise

Thomas Kinkade Mountain ParadiseThomas Kinkade Christmas CottageThomas Kinkade A Peaceful Retreat
adventure, of exploration, of just enjoying a good story. If you learn to love reading, as I do and as many others do, it’s not really a habit you have to develop — it’s something you look forward to doing each day.
On than playing outside? Better than a good conversation? Better than exploring websites on a topic that excites you? Better than exploring nature? Better than playing sports? Better than drawing or painting or playing music or dancing?
I don’t think so. I think each activity has its own benefits and pleasures.
Is reading better than watching TV? I tend to believe it is, if learning is important to you, but not necessarily so if pleasure is your main concern. Both activities Reading Being Good For YouFirst let’s take a look at a deeply entrenched concept: that reading is wholesome and healthy and Good For You. Well, I think it is, but is it inherently better than any of a thousand other activities? Maybe sometimes.Is reading a book better

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