Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jack Vettriano The Mad Hairdresser study

Jack Vettriano The Mad Hairdresser studyJack Vettriano The LetterJack Vettriano The Last Great Romantic
mulefa had no single word for dream. They dreamed vividly, though, and took their dreams very seriously.
You don't like night pictures, Atal said.
Yes, I do. But I didn't believe them until now. I saw the boy and the girl so clearly, and a voice told me to preparemulefa called their leaders. She saw that Atal was looking intensely interested.
How could she be old and also not old? said Atal.
It is a make-like, said Mary.
Atal swung her trunk, reassured.
Mary went on as best she could: She told me that I should expect the children, and when they would appear, and where. But not why. I must just look after them.
They are hurt and tired, said Atal. Will they stop the sraf leaving? for them.What sort of voice? How did it speak if you couldn't see it?It was hard for Atal to imagine speech without the trunk movements that clarified and defined it. She'd stopped in the middle of a row of beans and faced Mary with fascinated curiosity.Well, I did see it, said Mary. It was a woman, or a female wise one, like us, like my people. But very old and yet not old at all.Wise one was what the

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thomas Kinkade almost heaven

Thomas Kinkade almost heavenThomas Kinkade A New Day DawningJohn Collier Lilith
old feller, you don't know the half of it. We'll take over now, the Specters aren't afraid of bears. Lyra, Will, come this way, and hold up that knife...”
The blue hawk swooped once more to Lyra's fist, and the gray-haired lady said, "Don't waste a second, go in and find your daemons and escape! There's more danger coming."
"Thank you, Lady! Thank you all!" said Lyra, and the hawk took wing.
Will could see Lee Scoresby's ghost dimly beside them, urging them into the grove, but they had to say farewell to Iorek Byrnison.
"Iorek, my dear, there en't words, bless you, bless you!"
"Thank you, King Iorek," : both children felt the little dashes of cold they knew so well. Then they heard voices all around:
"This way!"
"Over here!"
"Keep going, we're holding them off!"said Will."No time. Go. Go!"He pushed them away with his armored head. Will plunged after Lee Scoresby's ghost into the undergrowth, slashing to right and left with the knife. The light here was broken and muted, and the shadows were thick, tangled, confusing."Keep close," he called to Lyra, and then cried out as a bramble sliced across his cheek.All around them there was movement, noise, and struggle. The shadows moved to and fro like branches in a high wind. They might have been ghosts

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pablo Picasso Don Quixote

Pablo Picasso Don QuixoteThomas Gainsborough The Blue BoyHenri Matisse The Dance
And the monkey had the chamber open, a glass door on heavy hinges, and he was reaching inside, and there was the lock of hair: held between rubber pads in a metal clasp! Still more to undo; and Mrs. Coulter was hauling herself up with shaking hands. She shook the silvery mesh with all her might, looking up at the blade, the sparking terminalsconvulsed so tightly that it clung to the mesh, leaving her half-lying, half-hanging, while her head rang and her heart pounded.
But something had happened to her sight. A terrible clarity had come over her eyes, the power to see the most tiny details, and they were focused on the one detail in the universe , the man inside. The monkey was unscrewing the clasp, and the President, his face a mask of grim exultation, was twisting wires together.There was a flash of intense white, a lashing crack, and the monkey's form was flung high in the air. With him came a little cloud of gold: was it Lyra's hair? Was it his own fur? Whatever it was, it blew away at once in the dark. Mrs. Coulter's right hand had

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952Cassius Marcellus Coolidge A Friend in NeedClaude Monet Water Lilies 1914
sagged faintly: he had hoped his task was over. The President placed the curl of Lyra's hair in an envelope and shut the locket, looking up and around as he did so, and Lord Roke had to drop out of sight.
"Father President," said Brother Louis, "I shall of course do as you command, hut may I know why you need, and then there was a soft click.
"Ah!" sighed the President.
Lord Roke climbed to the top of the desk so that he could see. In the naphtha lamplight there was a gleam of dark gold: it was a lock of hair, and the President was twisting it between his fingers, turning it this way and that.
"Are we certain this is the child's?" he said.
"I am certain," came undone, but finally he lifted the locket gently away and stood up.
Lord Roke, as quick and as quiet as a mouse, was out of the door before the priest had turned around. He waited in the dark corridor, and when the young man tiptoed out and turned the key, the Gallivespian began

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jack Vettriano Along Came A Spider

Jack Vettriano Along Came A SpiderJack Vettriano All Systems GoJack Vettriano After The Thrill Is Gone
dragonflies up to a shelf in a dark corner, where Tialys said they would rest till daylight, and then the Gallivespians joined them on the table.
The woman had been preparing a dish of stew, and she peeled a couple of potatoes and cut them into it to make it go farther, urgingyou, we come here before we was dead, by some chance or accident. We got to wait till our death tells us it's time."
"Your death tells you?" said Lyra.
"Yes. What we found out when we come here, oh, long ago for most of her husband to offer the travelers some other refreshment while it cooked. He brought out a bottle of clear and pungent spirit that smelled to Lyra like the gyptians' jenniver, and the two spies accepted a glass into which they dipped little vessels of their own.Lyra would have expected the family to stare most at the Gallivespians, but their curiosity was directed just as much, she thought, at her and Will. She didn't wait long to ask why."You're the first people we ever saw without a death," said the man, whose name, they'd learned, was Peter. "Since we come here, that is. We're like

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Henri Matisse Odalisque

Henri Matisse OdalisqueHenri Matisse MusicHenri Matisse Le bonheur de vivre
." He was pointing at the wall. "If you're listening," he went on more loudly, "come out and do it honestly. Don't spy on us."
Lyra and Iorek Byrnison turned to see who he was talking to. The little man came out of the shadow and stood calmly in the light, on a ledge higher than the children's heads, Iorek growled.
"You haven't asked .
"If we deceived you, it was necessary," he said. "Would you have agreed to come here if you knew the knife was broken? Of course you wouldn't. You'd have used your venom to make us unconscious, and then you'd have called for help and had us kidnapped and taken to Lord Asriel. So we had to trick you, Tialys, and you'll just have to put up Iorek Byrnison for permission to enter his cave," Will said. "And he is a king, and you're just a spy. You should show more respect."Lyra loved hearing that. She looked at Will with pleasure, and saw him fierce and contemptuous.But the Chevalier's expression, as he looked at Will, was displeased."We have been truthful with you," he said. "It was dishonorable to deceive us."Will stood up. His daemon, Lyra thought, would have the form of a tigress, and she shrank back from the anger she imagined the great animal to show

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Caravaggio St Jerome

Caravaggio St JeromeCaravaggio NarcissusCaravaggio Madonna di Loreto
Otyets Semyon," said the priest, stroking Will's arm as he guided him to a chair. "Otyets means Father. I am a priest of the Holy Church. My given name is Semyon, and the name of my father was Boris, so I am Semyon Borisovitch. What is your father's name?"
"John Parry."
"John is Ivan. So you are Will Ivanovitch, and I am Father Semyon Borisovitch. Where have you come from, Will Ivanovitch, and where are you going?"
"I'm lost," Will said. "I Lydia Alexandrovna!" he called.
An elderly woman came in silently. He spoke to her in Russian, and she nodded and took a glass and filled it with hot tea from the samovar. She brought the glass of tea to Will, together with a little saucer of jam with a silver spoon.
"Thank you," said Will.was traveling with my family to the south. My father is a soldier, but he was exploring in the Arctic, and then something happened and we got lost. So I'm traveling south because I know that's where we were going next."The priest spread his hands and said, "A soldier? An explorer from England? No one so interesting as that has trodden the dirty roads of Kholodnoye for centuries, but in this time of upheaval, how can we know that he will not appear tomorrow? You yourself are a welcome visitor, Will Ivanovitch. You must stay the night in my house and we will talk and eat together.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Johannes Vermeer Lady Seated at a Virginal

Johannes Vermeer Lady Seated at a VirginalJames Jacques Joseph Tissot Too EarlyJames Jacques Joseph Tissot Hide and Seek
what way, then, do facial expressions while singing affect the perception of the music? There is a well-known phenomenon in psychology called the McGurk effect. This demonstrates that what listeners hear is profoundly affected by what they see. This suggests that singers' facial movements may have large effects on how we perceive music.legend B. B. King audio only, while others listened and watched him. Those who had both video and audio channels rated the level of 'dissonance' (when the music was negative or discordant) higher at points in which B. B. King winced his eyes, rolled his head back and shook his upper body.
Experiment 2: When trying to judge the pitch changes between notes, participants watching only the video almost did as well as those only listening to the audio. This is pretty impressive.In a series of simple experiments, Thompson, Graham and Russo (2005) showed just how important the McGurk effect is when we are looking at singers, compared to when we only have the sound to go on.Experiment 1: Some participants listened to blues

Monday, January 12, 2009

Joseph Mallord William Turner The Slave Ship

Joseph Mallord William Turner The Slave ShipJoseph Mallord William Turner The fighting Temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken upJoseph Mallord William Turner The Burning of the Houses of Parliament
according to Judy Zerafa, author of several books based on how people can improve their lives. In her "Seven Keys to Success" program, she underscores the importance of believing in yourself - and having habits, creative imagination,that change can be extremely difficult for some people because they are "settled in a personal framework," meaning they tend to be passive when dealing with issues.
She suggests that people start a journal on what things may be troubling them. She also suggests that people prioritize and draft a timeline that allows for realistic gols.
Jenny Johnson, 26, is trying to do that now after failing to follow through on last year's resolution: to quit eating candy and persistence - to make change happen."Success in overcoming any self-defeating behavior particularly those related to and weight loss is almost guaranteed if you learn to reprogram the subconscious images in that part of the mind," Zerafa said in an e-mail.Boston coach Mary Kay Duffy believes

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Andy Warhol Superman

Andy Warhol SupermanAndy Warhol SunsetAndy Warhol So Slow
abortion. He was vociferously attacked by the Phyllis Schlafly gang when he invited Obama to speak about AIDS at his Saddleback Church two years ago.
There’s no reason why Obama shouldn’t return the favor by inviting him to Washington. But there’s a difference between that I know.”
Warren, whose ego is no less than Obama’s, likes to advertise his “commitment to model civility in America.” But as Rachel Maddow of MSNBC reminded including Warren among the cacophony of voices weighing in on policy and anointing him as the inaugural’s de facto pope. You can’t blame V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop and an early Obama booster, for feeling as if he’d been slapped in the face. “I’m all for Rick Warren being at the table,” he told The Times, but “we’re talking about putting someone up front and center at what will be the most-watched inauguration in history, and asking his blessing on the nation. And the God that he’s praying to is not the God

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Andy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes Parallel

Andy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes ParallelAndy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes Lilac Blue GreenAndy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes four
Let's first define insanity. It is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. And that is what most investors do and they can't understand why they are not able to make money in the stock market.
Do these investors need a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a talk with their minister or none of the above? I know, you think they should talk to their broker or their financial planner. Believe me, folks, these two are part of the problem and not the solution.brokerage houses want you to buy (for commission) and they do not want you to sell even though that means another commission. There are two basic reasons they don't want you to sell and it has nothing to do with that one selling commission.
If you sell you might take your money out of your account and that is one of the things the Maul Street crowd never wants to happen, but the most important is they make money when your account is invested. It is not a lot, but it in a nice steady 1% or more. You are their unspoken collateral in the worldwide money shuffle.
If they knew the answers everyone would be rich. Let's go back and look at who taught these mavens how to invest. The Wall Street brokerage houses taught them or rather did not teach them the most basic rules of the Because

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jack Vettriano Union Jack

Jack Vettriano Union JackJack Vettriano The TemptressJack Vettriano The Road to Nowhere
voice came slip-sliding down the wire. “We put a stone up. He use to say he wanted to be cremated, ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain. I didn’t know where that was. So he was cremated, like he wanted, and like I say, half his ashes was interred here, and the rest I sent up to his folks. I thought Brokeback Mountain was around where he grew up. But knowing Jack, it might would answer, had to answer. But he did not. It was Lureen and she said who? who is this? and when he told her again she said in column against the rock. The minutes ticked by from the round watch in Ennis’s pocket, from the sticks in the fire settling into coals. Stars bit through the wavy heat layers above the fire. Ennis’s breath came slow and quiet, he hummed, rocked a little in the sparklight and Jack leaned against the steady heartbeat, the vibrations of the humming like faint electricity eyes screwed shut, fists clenched, legs caving, hit the ground on his knees. “Jesus,” said Jack. “Ennis?” But before he was out of the truck, trying to guess if it was heart attack or the overflow of an incendiary rage, Ennis was back on his feet and somehow, as a coat hanger is straightened to open a locked car and then bent again to its original shape, they

Monday, January 5, 2009

Andy Warhol daisy 1982 painting

Andy Warhol daisy 1982 paintingAndy Warhol Camouflage green yellow white paintingAndy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge painting
moon had clothed in silver. And then there was something whirling like a blue cloud among the clusters of roses. Tyltyl rubbed his eyes, could not believe his senses. He waited, looked again and then dashed into the mad: us go!... Light is waiting for us!... How pleased she will be!... This way, this way ...."
And they all danced and scampered away in their glee, singing songs of triumph as they went.
Night and the Cat, who had not shared in the general rejoicing, crept back anxiously to the great door; and Night whimpered:
"Haven't they got him...."
"No," said the Cat, who saw the real Blue Bird perched high up on a moon-beam... "Come quickly!... Come quickly!... They are here! . . We have them at last!... Millions of blue birds! . . Thousands of millions! . . Come, Mytyl!... Come, Tylô!... Come, all! ... Help me!... You can catch them by handfuls! . ." Reassured at last, his friends came running up and all darted in among the birds, seeing who could catch the most: "I've caught seven already!" cried Mytyl. "I can't hold them!" "Nor can I!" said Tyltyl. "I have too many of them! ... They're escaping from my arms! ... Tylô has some too!... Let us go out, let

Friday, January 2, 2009

Kahlo Self Portrait with the Portrait of Doctor Farill

Kahlo Self Portrait with the Portrait of Doctor FarillKahlo Self Portrait with Royal Gold VestKahlo Self Portrait with ParrotKahlo Self Portrait with Curly Hair
poked it and prodded it with his fingernail. It was very heavy and very slightly soft - he could mark it with his fingernail. It was very yellow and very shiny, and when he breathed on it his breath evaporated off it in that very peculiar and ." Seas of light glared at them in one solid blaze wherever they looked. "Very pretty," said Zaphod petulantly. In the sky a huge green catalogue number appeared. It flickered and changed, and when they looked around again so had the land. As with one voice they all went, "Yuch." The sea was purple. The beach they were on was composed of tiny yellow and green pebbles special way that breath evaporates off solid gold. "Trillian and I came round a while ago," said Ford. "We shouted and yelled till somebody came and then carried on shouting and yelling till they got fed up and put us in their planet catalogue to keep us busy till they were ready to deal with us. This is all Sens-O-Tape." Zaphod stared at him bitterly. "Ah, shit," he said, "you wake me up from my own perfectly good dream to show me somebody else's." He sat down in a huff. "What's that series of valleys over there?" he said. "Hallmark," said Ford. "We had a look." "We didn't wake you earlier," said Trillian. "The last planet was knee deep in fish." "Fish?" "Some people like the oddest things." "And before that," said Ford, "we had platinum. Bit dull. We thought you'd like to see this one though