Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pablo Picasso Don Quixote

Pablo Picasso Don QuixoteThomas Gainsborough The Blue BoyHenri Matisse The Dance
And the monkey had the chamber open, a glass door on heavy hinges, and he was reaching inside, and there was the lock of hair: held between rubber pads in a metal clasp! Still more to undo; and Mrs. Coulter was hauling herself up with shaking hands. She shook the silvery mesh with all her might, looking up at the blade, the sparking terminalsconvulsed so tightly that it clung to the mesh, leaving her half-lying, half-hanging, while her head rang and her heart pounded.
But something had happened to her sight. A terrible clarity had come over her eyes, the power to see the most tiny details, and they were focused on the one detail in the universe , the man inside. The monkey was unscrewing the clasp, and the President, his face a mask of grim exultation, was twisting wires together.There was a flash of intense white, a lashing crack, and the monkey's form was flung high in the air. With him came a little cloud of gold: was it Lyra's hair? Was it his own fur? Whatever it was, it blew away at once in the dark. Mrs. Coulter's right hand had

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