Thursday, January 15, 2009

Henri Matisse Odalisque

Henri Matisse OdalisqueHenri Matisse MusicHenri Matisse Le bonheur de vivre
." He was pointing at the wall. "If you're listening," he went on more loudly, "come out and do it honestly. Don't spy on us."
Lyra and Iorek Byrnison turned to see who he was talking to. The little man came out of the shadow and stood calmly in the light, on a ledge higher than the children's heads, Iorek growled.
"You haven't asked .
"If we deceived you, it was necessary," he said. "Would you have agreed to come here if you knew the knife was broken? Of course you wouldn't. You'd have used your venom to make us unconscious, and then you'd have called for help and had us kidnapped and taken to Lord Asriel. So we had to trick you, Tialys, and you'll just have to put up Iorek Byrnison for permission to enter his cave," Will said. "And he is a king, and you're just a spy. You should show more respect."Lyra loved hearing that. She looked at Will with pleasure, and saw him fierce and contemptuous.But the Chevalier's expression, as he looked at Will, was displeased."We have been truthful with you," he said. "It was dishonorable to deceive us."Will stood up. His daemon, Lyra thought, would have the form of a tigress, and she shrank back from the anger she imagined the great animal to show

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