Monday, March 9, 2009

Vincent van Gogh Fishing in Spring

Vincent van Gogh Fishing in SpringUnknown Artist Ranson Apple Tree with Red FruitUnknown Artist Spring is in the Air
brow crinkled.
"Yes, it's mine," he said, determined to regain the initiative. "And what are you doing on it, I would like to know? Running away fromyesno? If you were a boy I'd say are you going to seek your fortune?"
"Can't girls seek their fortune?"
"I think they're supposed to seek a boy with a fortune," said the man, and gave a Zoo-carat grin. He extended a "Yes-ss," he said. "Er. I didn't know they weren't supposed to."
"Did you see a little girl on board?" Tap-tap went her boot.
"Um. No. I'm sorry." He brightened. "They were Zoons," he said; "If the child was with brown hand, heavy with rings. "Come and have some breakfast." "I'd actually like to use your privy," she said. His mouth dropped open. "This is a barge, yesno?" "Yes?" "That means there's only the river." He patted her hand. "Don't worry," he added. "It's quite used to it." Granny stood on the wharf, her boot tap-tap-tapping on the wood. The little man who was the nearest thing Ohulan had to a dockmaster was being treated to the full force of one of her stares, and was visibly wilting. Her expression wasn't perhaps as vicious as thumbscrews, but it did seem to suggest that thumbscrews were a real possibility. "They left before dawn, you say," she said.

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