Thursday, March 5, 2009

George Bellows Stag at Sharkey's

George Bellows Stag at Sharkey'sGeorge Bellows Dempsey and FirpoCaravaggio The Sacrifice of Isaac
Rincewind ran a finger down the page.
'There, I think. Where the two-headed lizard is doing – whatever it's doing.'
Twoflower appeared at her other shoulder. The Spell flowed into another script.
'I can't even pronounce it,' said Bethan. 'Squiggle, squiggle, dot, dash.'
'That's Cupumuguk snow runes,' said Rincewind. 'I think it should be pronounced "zph".'
'It didn't work, though. How about "sph"?'
They looked at the word. It remained resolutely off-colour.
'Or "sff"?' said Bethan.
'It might be "tsfftowards the floor. And didn't reach it.

The air around the Octavo glowed. It rose slowly, flapping its pages like wings.
Then there was a plangent, sweet twanging noise and it seemed to explode in a complicated silent flower of light which rushed outwards, faded, and was gone.",' said Rincewind doubtfully. If anything the colour became a dirtier shade of brown.'How about "zsff"?' said Twoflower.'Don't be silly,' said Rincewind. 'With snow runes the —'Bethan elbowed him in the stomach and pointed.The brown shape in the air was now a brilliant red.The book trembled in her hands. Rincewind grabbed her around the waist, snatched Twoflower by the collar, and jumped backwards.Bethan lost her grip on the Octavo, which tumbled
But something was happening much further up in the sky . . .

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