Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gockel Riotous Tulips III

Gockel Riotous Tulips IIIGockel Riotous Tulips IIGockel Riotous Tulips IGockel Riotous Red Bloom
The holly and phoenix wand was nearly severed in two. One fragile strand of phoenix feather kept both pieces hanging together. The wood had splintered apart completely. Harry took it into his hands as though it was a living thing that had suffered a terrible injury. He could not think properly: Everything was a blur of panic and fear. Then he held out the want to Hermione.
"Expelliarmus!" Hermione's wand gave a little jerk, but did not leave her hand. The feeble attempt at magic was too much for Harry's wand, which split into two again. He stared at it, aghast, unable to take in what he was seeing ... the wand that had survived so much ...
"Mend it. Please."

"Harry, I don't think, when it's broken like this --"

"Please, Hermione, try!"


The dangling half of the wand resealed itself. Harry held it up.


The wand sparked feebly, then went out. Harry pointed it at Hermione.

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