Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gockel Downtown VIII

Gockel Downtown VIIIGockel Downtown VIIGockel Dity Dynamics VGockel Deep Blue Dazzler
Yeah, a bunch of Death Eaters cornered him, Bill said but he fought his way out. He's on the run now just like us." Ron scratched his chin thoughtfully with the end of his wand. "You don't reckon Kingsley could have sent that doe?"

"Oh yeah..."

They moved farther along the hedge, away from the tent and Hermione.

"Harry... you don't reckon it could've been Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore what?"

Ron looked a little embarrassed, but said in a low voice, "Dumbledore ... the doe? I mean," Ron was watching Harry out of the corners of his eyes, "he had the real sword last, didn't he?

Harry did not laugh at Ron, because he understood too well the

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