Monday, April 27, 2009

Piet Mondrian Composition 2

Piet Mondrian Composition 2Steve Thoms PoppiesEdvard Munch Puberty 1894
was just going back to the Guild,' said Beano.
The hooded that hard! I only wanted you out of the way!'
'Why'd you have to hit me at all?'
And then the feeling stole over Beano that Edward wasn't exactly looking at him, and certainly wasn't talking to him.
He glanced at the ground, and experienced that peculiar sensation known only to the recently dead -horror at what you see lying in front of you, followed by the nagging question: so who's doing the looking?
He looked up. 'Who's there?'figure nodded.'Are you OK?' said Beano.'I'm sorry about th-is,' it said. 'But it is for the good of the city. It is nothing p-ersonal.'He stepped behind the clown. Beano felt a crunch, and then his own personal internal universe switched off.Then he sat up.'Ow,' he said, 'that hur—'But it didn't.Edward d'Eath was looking down at him with a horrified expression.'Oh . . . I didn't mean to hit you

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