Wednesday, April 29, 2009

John William Waterhouse Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

John William Waterhouse Gather ye rosebuds while ye mayLeonardo da Vinci Leda and the SwanLeonardo da Vinci St John in the WildernessLeonardo da Vinci The Last Supper
walking rocks.
He'd sought advice about troll food from Chryso-prase, who was also a troll, although you'd hardly know it any more, he'd been around pies! Get them while they're hot!'
This was by way of a warm up. The chances of a human eating anything off Dibbler's barrow unless it was stamped flat and pushed under the door after two weeks on a starvation diet was, by now, remote. He looked around conspiratorially – there were always trolls working in the docks – and took the cover off a fresh tray.
Now then, what was it? Oh, yes . . .humans so long he wore a suit now and, as he said, had learned all kindsa civilized things, like extortion, money-lending at 300 per cent interest per munf, and stuff like that. Chrysoprase might have been born in a cave above the snowline on some mountain somewhere, but five minutes in Ankh-Morpork and he'd fitted right in. Dibbler liked to think of Chrysoprase as a friend; you'd hate to think of him as an enemy.Throat had chosen today to give his new approach a try. He pushed his hot food barrow through streets broad and narrow, crying:'Sausages! Hot sausages! Inna bun! Meat

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