Monday, April 13, 2009

Ford Madox Brown Romeo and Juliet

Ford Madox Brown Romeo and JulietPierre Auguste Renoir La PromenadePierre Auguste Renoir Dance in the Country
should have known. Well, it doesn't matter. I don't have to waste time on gardeners. Go and fetch the top man, right now."
"Top man?" saidPriest. High Priest."
Brutha nodded again. He knew there was a High Priest. It was just that, while he could just about encompass the hierarchical structure between his own self and Brother Nhumrod, he was unable to give serious consideration to any kind of link between Brutha the novice and the Cenobiarch. He was theoretically aware that there was one, that there was a huge canonical structure with the High Priest at the top and Brutha very firmly at the bottom, but he viewed it in the same way as an amoeba might view the chain of evolution all Brutha. He put his hand to his mouth. "You don't mean . . . Brother Nhumrod?""Who's he?" said the tortoise."The master of the novices!""Oh, Me!" said the tortoise. "No," it went on, in a singsong imitation of Brutha's voice, "I don't mean the master of the novices. I mean the High Priest or whatever he calls himself. I suppose there is one?"Brutha nodded blankly."High Priest, right?" said the tortoise. "High.

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