Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jack Vettriano Sweet Bird of Youth

Jack Vettriano Sweet Bird of YouthJack Vettriano pincer MovementJack Vettriano Picnic PartyJack Vettriano Only the deepest Red II
'There's something funny about this cave,' said Bethan.
'What?' said Cohen.
'Well, look at it. Have you ever seen rocks like those before?'
Cohen had to agree that the semi-circle of stones around the cave entrance were unusual; each one was higher than a man, and heavily worn, and surprisingly shiny. There was a matching semi-circle on the ceiling. The whole effect was that of a stone by a druid with a vague idea of geometry and no sense of gravity.
'Look at, isn't it?'
They looked at it.
'I can't quite put my finger on why,' said Twoflower, 'but I think it might be a rather good idea to get out of here.'
'Oh yesh,' said Cohen sarcastically, 'I shupposhe we'd jusht better ashk theesh people to untie ush and let us go, eh?' the walls, too.'Cohen squinted at the wall next to him. There were veins of red crystal in it. He couldn't be quite certain, but it was almost as if little points of light kept flashing on and off deep within the rock itself.It was also extremely drafty. A steady breeze blew out of the black depths of the cave.'I'm sure it was blowing the other way when we came in,' whispered Bethan. 'What do you think, Twoflower?''Well, I'm not a cave expert,' he said, 'but I was just thinking, that's a very interesting stalag-thingy hanging from the ceiling up there. Sort of bulbous

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