Sunday, December 21, 2008

Machado Bar in Copacabana

Machado Bar in CopacabanaMachado Atelier in MontmartreMachado Asppetando l'Ariuo di Marco PoloMachado Arelier in Paris
said, “This was a nut-buster job.”As a hacker of exceptional achievement, Mick customarily implied or boldly stated that for him, self-named Ultimate Master of Digital Data and Ruler of the Virtual Universe, all came as easily as bees to a flower; . If the line goes dead, Paladin treats the interruption in service the same as an alarm signal. But they won’t know a thing.”“It’s an armed-response company,” Corky worried. “Their guards aren’t Barney Fifes with pepper spray. They respond fast, with guns.”“Part of the package I’ve worked up for you immediately before the Manheim phones go down. It pulls the plug on their whole system.”“They’ll have redundancy.”“I know their redundancy like I know my own crotch,” Mick said with impatience. “I’m pulling the plug on the redundancy, too.”“Impressive.”“You won’t have to worry about the off-site security company. But what about therefore, this admission that the Manheim job had taxed his talents must mean that it had been a formidable task, indeed.“At precisely eight-thirty this evening,” Mick continued, “the telephone down all twenty-four of the lines serving the Manheim estate.”“Won’t that alert Paladin Patrol, the off-site security company? One dedicated line maintains a twenty-four-hour link between Paladin and the estate, for alarm transmissions.”“Yeah

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