Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Juarez Machado Barbecue a Paris painting

Juarez Machado Barbecue a Paris paintingMark Rothko Untitled 1960 paintingMark Rothko Violet Green and Red paintingMark Rothko Green Red on Orange painting
it’s payback time.”“Maybe. But why in a cookie jar?”“You could also spell wow,” Hazard noted.“Yeah, but then you’re left with half the Os and all the Es not used, and they don’t make anything together. Only featured a photo of an adorable golden retriever puppy.“It’s a memoir,” Ethan said. “The guy who wrote it—Donald Gainsworth—spent thirty years training guide dogs for the blind and service dogs for people confined to wheelchairs.”“No bugs or foreskins pressed between the pages?”“Nope. And I checked every page for underlining, but nothing was highlighted.”owe or woe uses all the letters.”“What about two-word combinations?”“The first one is wee woo. Which could mean ‘little love,’ I guess, but I don’t get the message in that one. The second is E-W-E, and woo again.”“Sheep love, huh?”“Seems like a dead end to me. I think owe woe is what he intended, one or the other, or both.”Smearing lebne on a slice of lahmajoon flatbread, Hazard said, “Maybe after this we can play Monopoly.”[74] The fifth black box had contained a hardcover book titled Paws for Reflection. The cover

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