Monday, November 24, 2008

hassam The Sonata

hassam The Sonatahassam The Room of Flowershassam The Manhattan Clubhassam The Goldfish Window
increasingly capable camera phones, Obamthe president-elect's movements and important announcements during the transition to the White House. The forthcoming Obama White House will be treated like a reality TV show or West Wing, broadcast 24x7 on the Internet.
Other presidents, including George W. Bush, have been similarly tracked online, but the Obama presidency brings a more finely tuned understanding to this phenomenon. Obama's pre-inauguration site,, is providing its own play-by-play of Obama's activities, including briefly detailing the deli visit with a photo slideshow.
Posting its own version of events is a way for the Obama team to gain some control over the chaos and messaging in the midst of the incessant Obama lifestreaming that will occur over the next four or eight years. The disciplined, focused, and modulated Obama has already had a lot of practice on a big stage. Now the spotlight is all on him. Every gesture and word from Obama accessible to the public will be recorded and posted online, from a multitude of sources and points of views. will be endlessly scrutinized and measured for meaning.

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