Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Frida Kahlo Luther Burbank painting

Frida Kahlo Luther Burbank paintingFrida Kahlo Girl with Death Mask paintingDouglas Hofmann silver satin painting
have become embroiled, in things, in the world and its messes, and I cannot resist. The grotesque has me, as before the quotidian had me, in its thrall. The sea gave me up; the land drags me down.
He was sliding down a grey slope, the black water lapping at his heart. Why did rebirth, the second chance granted to Gibreel Farishta and himself, feel so much, in his case, like a perpetual ending? He had been reborn into the knowledge of death; and the inescapability of change, of things-never-the-same, of noway-back, made him afraid. When you lose the past you're naked in front of contemptuous Azraeel, the death-angel. Hold on if you can, he told himself. Cling to yesterdays. Leave your nail-marks in the grey slope as you slide.
Billy Battuta: that worthless piece of shit. Playboy Pakistani, turned

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